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The vertical dynamic responses of the baggage car XL_ with bogie type 09 are simulated with the bond graph approach.
并以XL_ 型行李车(装用09型转向架)为例,进行了动态响应模拟。

The vascular bundles were obtained from the branches of arteria saphena inside the tibia of rhesus,the external diameter of which was 0.8-.0 mm. 血管束来源于恒河猴胫骨内侧皮下隐动脉分支,其外径约0.8~.0mm。
The vegetative organs of Rhodiola angusta were studied results showed that the primary xylem is diarch. 本文对长白红景天(Rhodiola angusta Nakai)的营养器官进行了解剖学研究。 其结果表明,根的初生木质部二原型;
The velocities of S wave and S wave, and anisotropy parameters including Thomsen parameter γ related with crack density are obtained using azimuthal NMO velocities of P P wave, P S wave and P S wave in multicomponent seismic data. 在多波多分量勘探中 ,利用P P、P S、P S方位变化的动校正速度 ,可以建立S波、S波的速度和各向异性参数 ,其中包括与裂缝密度关系最为密切的Thomsen参数γ。
The verb to picnic method of forming past tense, past participle, present participle is different from method of the general regular verb. On the basis of pronounce reason of respect, is it add k in addition postfix - ed or - ing after c first to want. 动词to picnic构成过去式、过去分词、现在分词的方法与一般的规则动词的方法不同,基于发音方面的原因,要先在c后加k再加词尾-ed或-ing。
The vertical distribution of total phosphorus in sediments of Dianchi lake showed the similar trends:the topper layer(0~ cm)> middle layer(~0 cm)> bottom layer(0~0 cm). 沉积物总磷含量总体趋势的垂直分布为表层(0~cm)>中层(~0cm)>底层(0~0cm),除昆阳位点外,各层次呈显著性差异。
The vertical dynamic responses of the baggage car XL_ with bogie type 09 are simulated with the bond graph approach. 并以XL_ 型行李车(装用09型转向架)为例,进行了动态响应模拟。
The victims were their family members (8, 78.%), friends (, 7. 9%), neighbors (, . %). 受害者中亲人8人(78.%),好友人(7. 9%),邻居人(. %)。
The virion are approximately 0 to 70 nm in diameter and has a bilaminal envelope, while the nucleo capsids are 90-0 nm. 该病毒粒子具有囊膜,完整的病毒粒子直径为 0—70nm,核衣壳直径为90—0nm。
The virtual market is a burgeoning one in the Internet economy circle and,how to utilise traditional marketing strategies has been an urgent problem. 虚拟市场是网络经济环境中的新兴市场,在此市场中如何发挥营销作用是一个急待解决的问题。
The virulent C7-0 strain of Pseudomonas mallei was gradually attenuated by repeated irradiation with 0Co-γ ray and/or serial subcultivation in broth at gradient temperature( 8. -℃). 将马鼻疽强毒菌C7-0株经0Co-γ射线照射和在温度递增的肉汤中传代培养,使其毒力逐渐减弱。
The virus isolate Y was obtained from Solanum aculeatissimum showing leaf curl and enation symptoms in Yanshan,Yunnan Province. Complete nucleotide sequence of the DNA-A like molecule of Y was determined to be 7 0 nucleotides. 从云南砚山刺茄(Solanum aculeatissimum)上分离到病毒分离物Y ,全序列测定表明,Y DNA-A全长7 0个核苷酸,共编码个ORF。

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