In less than five minutes, the coughing and choking stopped, along with the sound of breathing. Now, there was only silence-deathly silence. |
中文意思: 不到5分钟,咳嗽和喘息停止了,呼吸声也消失了,接着,是死一样的寂静. |
In left-sided pneumonectomy patients, R olumes were normal whereas L ejection fraction was abnormally low.
在左侧肺切除的患者中,R的容积是正常的,而L射血分数是异常偏低的。 |
In legend story,the beauty of phoenix should be tempered through fire shower. It could transfer itself to the orthodox nobleness king bird after renascence.
中文:传说中,凤凰的华美要经过一次烈火的洗浴,重生之后才能成为真正高贵的百鸟之王。 |
In less civilizedfamilies what was considered loving communication might include acting out or rationalizing negative feelings through physical punishment, yelling, spanking, whipping, and all kinds of verbal abuse all 'm the name of trying to help the ch
在较不“文明”的家庭里,爱的沟通可能包括行动或将消极感觉合理化,如体罚、咆哮、打巴掌、鞭打及所有口语虐待所有试图让孩子从错误中学到教训的名目。 |
In less developed countries the paramount problem is providing sufficient employment for the rapidly expanding urban populations.
不发达国家的首要问题是为迅速发展的城市人口提供足够的就业机会。 |
In less than a week, his ordinarily fit body and equilibrium undergo dark and ugly changes: Spurlock grows fat, his cholesterol rockets north, his organs take a beating, and he becomes subject to headaches, mood swings, symptoms of addiction, and lessened
少于一个礼拜,他平常保有的健康身体及均衡,遭受黑暗丑恶的改变:他变肥,胆固醇变高,器官受损,而他遭受头痛、情绪波动、上瘾的症状,及性趣缺缺。 |
In less than five minutes, the coughing and choking stopped, along with the sound of breathing. Now, there was only silence-deathly silence.
不到5分钟,咳嗽和喘息停止了,呼吸声也消失了,接着,是死一样的寂静. |
In less than three decades, AIDS has run a deadly marathon around the globe.
不到30年的时间,爱滋病已经横行全世界各个角落。 |
In less than two weeks, Chief Executive Donald Tsang Yam-kuen will present his first policy address.
还有不到两周,特首曾荫权就会发表他上任后的首份施政报告。 |
In lesser hands this approach could be disjointed but here these stand-alone pieces are woven into an undulating story of depth.
在二流作家的笔下,这样的写作手法也许会显得杂乱无章,而此处,这些孤立的章节被巧妙地编入了这个情节曲折,意味深远的故事之中。 |
In lesson table lastly, on the blackboard, in the fountain-pen, in rice hall, at my the on the road of each inch that run about!
在课桌上,在黑板上,在钢笔里,在饭堂里,在我行走的每一寸的路上!” |
In lieu of anything more specific, we go with what we do find in the books, which is that Hermione was thirteen toward the end of the 1993-1994 school year, and therefore was born in 1980.
因为没有更精确的证据,我们只能凭借书里找到的线索,而它说赫敏在1993-94学年结束的时候是13岁,因而是1980年出生的。 |