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The post arrives regularly at eight every morning.

The possible mechanisms of cellular damages in ocular siderosis will also be discussed. 同时讨论到眼球内含铁异物造成组识变性之可能原因。
The possible reasons are as follows; discharge valve damage or over load operation of diesel engine, or leakage of nozzle, or the incomplete combustion in the cylinder because not enough fresh air was pumped. 可能的原因如下;排气阀损坏或柴油机超负荷运转,或油嘴漏泄,或由于进气量不足导致燃烧不完全,等等。
The possible relevance of the process to combustion, gasification and steam reforming will also be discussed. 本讲题也将探讨此过程与燃烧、气化和蒸汽重整可能存在的相关性。
The possibly untimely question is: was he really worth a 13 million euro investment? 现在很现实的问题就是:他真的值1300万欧么?
The post 1975 animal rights activists are far more vocal than their predecessors. 本句的意思是“1975年后的动物权利保护者的呼声比他们的前人更高。”
The post arrives regularly at eight every morning. 邮件每天上午八点钟按时送到。
The post is as a silk, cool with stylish elegance. Soft, whispery vocals, dreamy, romantic, ethereal, a subtle object. 这贴和声音象丝绸一样,时尚的优美,温柔的私语,梦幻,浪漫的缥缈,隐约的蒙太奇.
The post modernist interpretation of Bamboo Forestis a tentative hypothesis, and it tries to prove the possibility and rationality of the post modernist thought and artistic techniques in creative and rebellious literary works before post modernism. 摘要《竹林中》的后现代主义阐释不但是一个假设与尝试,而且也试图证明后现代主义作为一种思维态势和艺术手法在后现代之前的极具创造性和叛逆性的文学作品中都有其存在的可能性和合理性。
The post of chairman rotates among members of the committee. 主席一职由委员会的成员轮流担任。
The post of designator grabbed the nation's attention during the Calciopoli scandal when it emerged that Moggi had been making telephone calls to Paolo Bergamo to request certain referees. 自从”电话门“中牵涉到莫吉打电话给保罗贝尔加莫要求指定裁判后,裁判分配员吸引了整个国家的关注。
The post office began operating as a trading fund 10 years ago. 邮政署在十年前开始以营运基金模式运作。

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