Served as a sub-website of Tianhong Bilingual School, this website is aimed to provide an arena for teachers engaged in bilingual education to exchange ideas on bilingual education.
本站是天虹双语学校网站的子网站,旨在为从事双语教育的教师们提供一个交流平台,欢迎点击浏览。 |
Served the public with dedication and integrity.
以无私奉献的精神廉正地为民众服务 |
Server Out Of Memoryis no memory on the server to run your program. Please contact your administrator with this problem.
服务器内存不足服务器上内存不足,无法运行您的程序。请与管理员联系,以解决此问题。 |
Server busy, please try again later.
服务器忙,请稍后再试。 |
Server controls are tags that are understood by the server.
服务器控件是那些服务器可识别的标签。 |
Server in emergency, not accepting new players.
服务器处于紧急状态,不允许新玩家加入! |
Server maintenance, Please try again later!
服务器维护请稍后再来!(要更新了!) |
Server traffic settings updated successfully!
服务器流量设置成功更新! |
Server will preset on the table any china-ware.
服务员为客人服务所有菜. |
Server will suggestively sell tea drinks/sweets.
服务员要向客人推荐茶等餐后饮料或甜点。 |
Server: Are you ready to order?
服务员:可以点菜了吗? |