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Research on Raglan Sleeves Moulding

Representations of Valued Graph with Cycles and Double Ringel-Hall Algebras 带循环的赋值图的表示和Double Ringel-Hall代数
Reproductive organs of this weed had a rather high respiration rate, i.e. flower bud could respire up to 7μmol·kg~(-) DW s~(-), which was times higher than those of stem and root respiration. 生殖器官具有较高的代谢机能,其中幼嫩花蕾的呼吸速率高达 7μmol·kg-DWs-,其呼吸速率平均比茎杆和根系高出倍。
Repudiating Satan's temptations serves as a process for Christ to increase his awareness of his ordained vocation of prophet, king and priest. 抵抗撒旦诱惑的过程是耶稣深化对自己圣职——包括先知,君王和祭司——的认识的过程。
Reseapch Ecology Of Urodela Round Haerbin 哈尔滨周边地区有尾两栖类的生态学研究
Research and Analysis of the F 8 Electro pneumatic Braking Test F_8电空制动试验研究与分析
Research on Raglan Sleeves Moulding 服装插肩袖的造型研究
Research Advance in the Limulus Factor C 鲎C因子的研究进展
Research Advances on the Nourishment and Health Protection of Radices Puerarire 国内外葛根营养保健功能的研究与开发现状
Research For Tisse Virusfree and Culture Plant's Technic Heredity Character and Yield anility of Main Growing Varieties (systems) of Vitis amurensis Rupr. 山葡萄生产主栽品种(品系)试管脱毒与成苗技术遗传稳定性和生产性能研究
Research On Present Situation and Countermeasures for Development of Bowling ball 我国保龄球运动发展现状与对策的研究
Research Progress in the Insect Midgut Aminopeptidase N 昆虫中肠Bt毒素受体氨肽酶N的研究进展

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