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The Segbroek police station in The Hague borrowed the idea of putting compass marks on ceilings from an Amsterdam hotel, the Dutch daily De Telegraaf reported.

The Secretary will submit to the Registrar of Societies and to the Secretariat of IARU Region 3, within twenty-eight days written notice of any alterations made. 秘书长需在二十八天内,将所有变更事项以书面通知社团注册处及国际业馀无线电联盟第三区秘书处。
The Secretary-General launched a blistering attack on the phenomenon of economic globalization. He charged that while globalization brings people together in theory, in practice it drives them apart. 秘书长对全球化经济的现状进行了猛烈的抨击。他指责全球化虽然从理论上把人们连在一起,事实上,全球化让人们产生更多的隔膜。
The Secretary-General spoke of the challenge of easing tensions in the Middle East. 秘书长谈及了缓和在中东紧张局势的挑战。
The Section of English Graduate Instruction is in charge of the day-to-day administration, composition of research proposals, and thesis debate of the English major graduates of the School of Foreign Languages. 英语研究生教学部现负责外国语学院三级英语研究生(130名)的日常管理、论文选题、论文答辩等工作。
The Security Technologies Chicago, IL, branch was selected to provide and install the system. 英格索兰安防技术部芝加哥分部被选中为白水分校提供和安装整个系统。
The Segbroek police station in The Hague borrowed the idea of putting compass marks on ceilings from an Amsterdam hotel, the Dutch daily De Telegraaf reported. 荷兰电讯报报导,海牙塞格柏耶克警局师法阿姆斯特丹一家饭店的点子,在天花板标示方位记号。
The Sein of Heidegger's reality is an idea of subjectivity. 海德格尔的此在确实是一种主体性观念。
The Seismosaurus was a plant-eater. It ate leaves and plants. The Seismosaurus did not chew, it swallowed the leaves whole. Large meat-eating dinosaurs ate the Seismosaurus. 地震龙是草食动物,它吃树叶和植物。吃东西时,地震龙将树叶整个咽下去,一口也不嚼。大型食肉恐龙捕食地震龙。
The Sekotans gave Anakin and Obi-Wan a beautiful specimen of their handiwork, a sleek craft that Anakin would come to name the Jabitha, in honor of the Sekotan Magister's daughter. 赛寇特人给安纳金和奥比万他们工艺的一艘漂亮的样本,一艘被安纳金命名为加比萨,以纪念赛寇特牧师的女儿的圆滑船只。
The Selene name comes from Greek mythology. 酒庄名称”瑟琳”来自希腊神话中的三位月亮女神。
The Self is really, in the generic sense of the term, a religious encounter. 在普通理解中,自性是真正的宗教相遇。

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