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Findings from one Agency-supported study showed that blacks are 13 percent less likely to undergo coronary angioplasty and about one-third less likely to undergo bypass surgery than whites.

Finding your first job can be both a rewarding and frustrating experience. 找第一份工作的经历可能既有价值,又令人沮丧。
Finding your office isn't easy. 你们办公室真是难找。
Finding your way has never been so easy. 位置识别从来没有象现在这样容易。
Finding your way to the exchange office or bank. 如何找到钱币兑换所或银行。
Findings are: (1)Written word, chirography's development process: Ja-gu-wen (inscriptions on bone or tortoise shells)→Jin-wen (bronze inscription)→Zhuan shu→Li shu (an ancient style of calligraphy), (2)Material flux's affection process: Bone→Bronze→Jian D 研究结果如后述:(l)文字、书体的演变过程:甲骨文→金文→篆书→隶书,(2)材料变迁的影响过程:甲骨→青铜→简牍(木、竹)、帛书(丝)、碑刻(石)→纸,(3)技术变迁的影响过程:契刻→范铸→书写,(4)文字使用的平民化,(5)书体的艺术化(书法化),(6)职业或兴趣所形成的差异与评价(书匠与书法家)。
Findings from one Agency-supported study showed that blacks are 13 percent less likely to undergo coronary angioplasty and about one-third less likely to undergo bypass surgery than whites. 单一机构支持的研究发现显示黑人比白人有少于13%的冠脉成形术和少于三分之一的搭桥手术。
Findings like these can help handset-makers design new products and accessories that are appropriate to particular markets. 这些发现可以帮助手机制造商设计与市场相适应的新产品与配件。
Findings of relevant clinical and experimental research were discussed, particularly with reference to their theoretical implications and practical relevance. 依此分析架构,本文回顾相关的理论性及实证性研究,并讨论研究发现于理论及应用之意涵。
Findings of this research indicate that communication between partners has significant positive influence on trust toward partner which, in turn, is positively associated with alliance performance and the will of future cooperation with that partner. 厂商对伙伴的信任不但有助于联盟绩效的提升,亦有利于厂商未来与联盟伙伴继续维持合作关系之意愿。
Findings show that although some popular activities are no different from what might be expected for the mainstream Anglo American population, the meaning and significance of these activities have clear and unique ties to Chinese culture. 调查发现,虽然华裔社区一些流行的活动与主流的英裔美国人的喜好并无区别,然而在含义和意义上却与中国文化有着明确而独特的联系。
Findings support the original estimate of 10 days as the maximum incubation period. 其中的发现支持原来最长潜伏期为10天的估计。

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