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The connotation of humanization design was discussed based on consideration of trachea filter product humanization design.It was explained that human care is a part of humanization design,so as to make correct operation of medical instrument and increase

The connection, then, is not in any sense accidental. 无论从哪个意义上说,这一联系都并不是偶然的。
The connection_aborted() function checks whether the client has disconnected. 函数的作用是:检查客户端是否断线。
The connectivity of the oil formations in the buried hill Chegu 20 is fine, and the oil accumulation can be described as stratification and large area. 结果表明,主力油层层段内潜山内幕断层开启的多,封闭的少,油层的连通性好,车古20潜山为层状油藏且大面积连片。
The connectivity of the paths is established by the components' node connections. 这些路径通过各设备的接口相连接。
The connivance between the man and his instrument was immediate and they've stuck together since, through thick and thin. 一下子,这件乐器也像是承认了这位主人般地配合着米尔多。
The connotation of humanization design was discussed based on consideration of trachea filter product humanization design.It was explained that human care is a part of humanization design,so as to make correct operation of medical instrument and increase 针对气管过滤器产品人文设计的考虑,对现代人性化设计内涵作了一次探讨,说明产品人文关怀是人性化设计的一部分,以便工作人员在操作医疗设备时能准确无误,增加产品亲和力。
The connotation of modern water resources planning is to keep a virtuous circle of ecological system during supporting social and economic development through development and utilization of water resources. 现代水资源规划内涵是水资源的开发利用在支撑经济社会发展的过程中,应保持生态系统的良性循环。
The connotation of the concept of harmoniousness should always keep pace with the times. 摘要和谐概念的内涵应当是与时俱进的。
The connotation, characteristic and classification of artistic glass and decorative glass were narrated. 摘要阐述了艺术玻璃和装饰玻璃的内涵、特征和分类。
The connotations of motion, change and development are closely connected with their own meanings respectively, differing from one another for different angles from which matters are reflected. 运动、变化、发展三个概念是密不可分的,同时由于冬自反映事物的角度不一样,其含义也不一样,彼此又是互相区别的。
The connotations of scenic spots, tourist attractions and tourism resources are elaborated in this paper. 摘要阐释了景观、旅游景观和旅游资源的内涵。

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