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Teller A: Sorry sir, please use the next teller.

Tell your mother you have arrived here without mishap. 告诉你母亲你已经平平安安到达这里。
Tell your pal how much he/ she means to you. 一朵待放的花蕾…--告诉你你的朋友他对你多么重要。
Tell your plans to your friend. 把你的计划告诉你的朋友。
Tell your students you expect them to enter class quietly and to be ready immediately to follow instructions or begin the task posted on the chalkboard. 告诉你学生你要求他们:『要安静地进教室,并要马上准备好来服从指令,或照黑板上所写的开始作业。』
Tell ‘em to wait a minute, Pitcher. 告诉他们等一会儿,皮邱。
Teller A: Sorry sir, please use the next teller. 出纳员甲:对不起先生,请到隔壁柜台。
Teller B: I'm closing. Please use the next teller. 出纳员乙:我正准备下班,请利用下一个柜台。
Teller C: Please use the next teller, sir. 出纳员丙:先生,请到下一个柜台。
Teller is the person employed to receive and pay out money in a bank. 出纳是银行里负责收入和支出钱的人。
Teller: Do you have any form of ID? 出纳员:您有证件吗?
Teller: I'm sorry but I had to check with my supervisor. We can't honor this check. 出纳员:对不起,我要跟主管查核,我们不能兑现这支票。

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