At present, in the introduction, localization, technical market a total of four projects : 5,000 clay, hand soaps DIY, mosaics. |
中文意思: 目前,在引进、本地化、市场化的技术项目总共达四项:纯银黏土、手工香皂DIY、马赛克。 |
At present, howto establish and perfect a rural social basic old-age pension system m conformity with economic development to become and concern the rural social development and eventlle whole social security system of our country is the important subject
当前,如何建立和完善一个与经济发展相适应的农村社会养老保险制度已成为关系我国农村社会发展乃至整个社会保障体系合理建构的重要课题。 |
At present, importing temporary workers is so difficult and expensive that most bosses find it easier to wink at illegality.
目前,进口临时工不但困难,而且花费很大,所以很多雇主只能走捷径,对非法工睁一只眼闭一只眼了。 |
At present, in course of building new countryside these standpoints offer reference on theory and practice for rural culture modernization.
这些观点为现阶段新农村建设中农村文化的现代化提供了理论上和实践上的借鉴。 |
At present, in our country the present foreign trading affairs judicial surveillance system has many insufficiencies, it should profit from the international advanced general practices to perfect our foreign trading affairs arbitration judicial surveillan
目前我国现行涉外司法监督制度存在许多不足,应借鉴国际上通行的先进做法,通过修订《仲裁法》,以完善我国的涉外仲裁司法监督制度。 |
At present, in such professional moral, loyalty to this course is reducing; the sense of duty becomes light; the sense of honor is faint; the enterprise is weak.
当前,教师职业道德出现了事业心减退、责任感危缩、荣誉感淡漠、进取心减弱等问题。 |
At present, in the introduction, localization, technical market a total of four projects : 5,000 clay, hand soaps DIY, mosaics.
目前,在引进、本地化、市场化的技术项目总共达四项:纯银黏土、手工香皂DIY、马赛克。 |
At present, in the situation of large scale enlarging enrollment, there appear many shortcomings of guaranteeing teaching quality and deterioration.
当前,在高校招生规模超常扩张的条件下,高校出现诸多教学质量保障条件的欠缺和不同程度的教学质量滑坡问题。 |
At present, investments in the road system are based on clunky cost-benefit calculations.
目前,道路系统投资还是基于古老的成本收益算法。 |
At present, is included by the United Nations the world culture and the natural heritage scenic spot historical site and the natural landscrape has 14, namely the London tower, (the Congress building), the cloth roentgen Heym palace (nearby Oxford), the K
目前,被联合国列入世界文化和自然遗产的名胜古迹和天然景观就有14处,即伦敦塔、威斯敏斯特宫(国会大厦)、布伦海姆宫(牛津附近),坎特伯雷主教堂、巴斯城、索尔兹伯里郊区的巨石阵等遗迹,铁桥峡(伍尔沃汉普顿以西),方廷斯修道院及园林(约克以北)、达勒姆的大教堂和古城堡、哈德良长城(纽卡斯尔一带),圭内斯的城堡群(威尔士卡那封一带),苏格兰的圣基尔达群岛,北爱兰的“巨人之路”和太平洋上的英国属地享德森珊瑚岛。 |
At present, it has got 160 different kinds of mechanic equipments.
公司占地面积35000平方米,现有各种先进机械设备106台,是专业生产缸体的企业。 |
At present, it has staff members thirty people, among them, senior engineer six people and people who received high educationtake up 73% .
现有职工30人,其中高级工程师6人,工程师7人,助理工程师6人,大专以上文化程度的占职工总数的73%,2人取得硕士研究生学位,专业技术力量较强。 |