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If there are more lines in the documentation string, the second line should be blank, visually separating the summary from the rest of the description.

If there are extra classes or modules or packages declared within the same file, they implicitly have a long name including the file's version and author, but you needn't declare them again. 如果在同一文件中声明了多个类或模块或包,它们隐含地持有包含文件版本和作者的一个长名,而你不需要再次声明。
If there are high voltage cables running anywhere near the data cables, the potential for a fault condition exists as a result of insulation failures or inadvertent contact by an installer. 如果数据电缆附近有高压电缆经过,在诸如绝缘失效、意外接触设备,则会存在故障电势。
If there are long distance transmission systems and accessorial instruments attaching to the gauge, they all should be appraised and calibrated. 当仪表带有远距离传送系统及二次仪表时,应连同二次仪表一起检定、校准。
If there are many constraints or the constraints are too complex for a simple annotation, you might need to document them elsewhere. 如果关系存在很多约束,而且这些约束很复杂以致于不能简单的在图上作注解,你必须选择在别处另作说明。
If there are many drop-dead gorgeous girls walking in the street, I wonder whether there are many men dizzy lying around the street. 如果满大街都是超级大美女在走着,我怀疑是不是有很多晕倒的男人满大街躺着.
If there are more lines in the documentation string, the second line should be blank, visually separating the summary from the rest of the description. 如果文档字符串有多行,第二行应该空出来,与接下来的详细描述明确分隔。
If there are multiple Invariant Sections with the same name but different contents, make the title of each such section unique by adding at the end of it, in parentheses, the name of the original author or publisher of that section if known, or else a uni 如果具有名称重复但是内容不同的『恒常章节』,则将任一个这样子的章节的标题,以在它的后面增加的方式加以独特化,如果已知的话,于括号中指出那个章节的原始作者或出版者的名称,或是指定一个独特的号码。
If there are multiple revisions, only the latest revision date appears. 如果有多次修订,则只给出最新版本修订日期。
If there are no claims against the caution money, it will be converted to the Graduation Fee upon completion of the programme. 学生修业期满,如无拖欠本校借贷及罚款,该保证金将拨作毕业典礼的费用。
If there are no integrating processes and mechanisms, the individual applications may be inconsistent and incompatible. 如果没有集成的处理和机制,各自的应用也许无法协调一致和相容。
If there are not enough chair to go around,someone will have to stand. 如果椅子不够的话,有些人就得站着。

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