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China now has some 18 million obese adults, and 64 million adults may be at risk of cardiovascular disease because of poor dietary habits and lack of exercise, a study published this Saturday in The Lancet says.

China not only is possessed of almost one fourth of the world's population, but also it forms blooming market demand with the rapid economic development. 2中国不仅拥有世界总人口的将近四分之一,而且随着中国经济的高速发展,已经形成了旺盛的市场需求.
China now bans almost all liquids and gels aboard an aircraft, except food for travelling babies and medicines if the prescription is in the ticket holder's name. 现在中国几乎禁止所有的液体与凝胶体登机,除了旅行婴儿的食物以及药物(若药方上有机票持有者的名字)。
China now builds and supplies missiles that can be used in combat from the beach, across the coastal/littoral environment, and out to extended-range engagements far over the horizon. 中国现在能够制造和提供的导弹系列,可供部署于滩涂地域以及海滨区域作战,乃至成为超视距的远程打击力量。
China now even encourage the set- up of enterprise with100% foreign investment. 中国现在甚至鼓励建立100%的外商独资企业。
China now has commercial spacecraft that regularly transports the payloads of many industrialized nations. 中国现在已经有商业太空船可以有序的运输许多工业国家的有效负荷。
China now has some 18 million obese adults, and 64 million adults may be at risk of cardiovascular disease because of poor dietary habits and lack of exercise, a study published this Saturday in The Lancet says. 《柳叶刀》杂志周六刊登了一项研究:目前,由于饮食习惯不健康和缺乏运动,中国大约有一千八百万成年人过于肥胖,约有六千四百万成年人非常容易患上心血管疾病。
China now is awakening, and it may soon move the world. 中国正在觉醒,他不久将会震撼世界。
China now is carring out the nine-year compulsory education system. 中国实行九年制义务教育。
China now produces 27 percent of the world's steel—an essential input to its mushrooming industrial and urban infrastructure, as well as to the production of automobiles and other manufactured goods. 目前,中国生产的钢材占全世界的27%——主要用于其不断扩大的工业和城市基础设施建设,汽车生产以及其它各种物资的制造。
China now ranks as Asia's third-largest equity market by capitalisation, after Japan ($4,800bn) and Hong Kong ($2,100bn). 以市值衡量,目前中国股市规模位列亚洲第三,仅次于日本(4.8万亿美元)和香港(2.1万亿美元)。
China nowadays is still in the process of peaceful rising, therefore we need to inherit and carry forward this spirit to create socialist new culture with Chinese characteristics. 当今中国还处于振兴发展之际,需要继承与发扬这种精神,创造中国特色的社会主义新文化。

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