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[bbe] But when the man saw that he was not able to overcome Jacob, he gave him a blow in the hollow part of his leg, so that his leg was damaged.

[bbe] But to you did I send up my cry, O Lord; in the morning my prayer came before you. 耶和华阿,我呼求你。我早晨的祷告要达到你面前。
[bbe] But truly God's ear has been open; he has give attention to the voice of my prayer. 神是应当称颂的。他并没有推却我的祷告,也没有叫他的慈爱离开我。
[bbe] But we will go three days' journey into the waste land and make an offering to the Lord our God as he may give us orders. 我们要往旷野去,走三天的路程,照着耶和华我们神所要吩咐我们的祭祀他。
[bbe] But when evening comes near, let him take a bath: and after sundown he may come back to the tents. 到傍晚的时候、他要用水洗澡、及至日落了才可以入营。
[bbe] But when he was at the Benjamin door, a captain of the watch named Irijah, the son of Shelemiah, the son of Hananiah, who was stationed there, put his hand on Jeremiah the prophet, saying, You are going to give yourself up to the Chaldaeans. 他到了便雅悯门那里,有守门官名叫伊利雅,是哈拿尼亚的孙子,示利米雅的儿子,他就拿住先知耶利米,说,你是投降迦勒底人哪。
[bbe] But when the man saw that he was not able to overcome Jacob, he gave him a blow in the hollow part of his leg, so that his leg was damaged. 那人见自己胜不过他,就将他的大腿窝摸了一把,雅各的大腿窝正在摔跤的时候就扭了。
[bbe] But when they kept on requesting him, he was shamed and said, Send, then. 他们再三催促他,他难以推辞,就说:「你们打发人去吧!」
[bbe] But when they saw that he was a Jew, all of them with one voice went on crying out for about two hours, Great is Diana of Ephesus. 只因他们认出他是犹太人、就大家同声喊著说、大哉以弗所人的亚底米阿.如此约有两小时。
[bbe] But whenever diseased flesh is seen on him, he will be unclean. 但红肉几时显在他的身上、就几时不洁净。
[bbe] But year by year you and all your house are to take a meal of it before the Lord, in the place of his selection. 这头生的、你和你的家属、每年要在耶和华所选择的地方、在耶和华你神面前吃。
[bbe] But you are the unchanging One, and your years will have no end. 惟有你永不改变。你的年数,没有穷尽。

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