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An extramarital affair.

An extra 3 million barrels per day of production capacity worldwide is needed to avoid another year of blistering oil prices, International Energy Agency (IEA) executive director Claude Mandil warned on September 5. 9月5日,国际能源机构(简称IEA)执行理事克劳德·芒迪警告说,要避免下一年再度出现石油价格狂涨的现象,就需要在全球范围内把石油日产量再提高300万桶。
An extra 700 jobs are being cut on top of the 2000 that were last year. 继去年裁员2000以后,今年又消减了额外的700个工作岗位。
An extra aim of this paper is to encourage language learners here to break out of the straightjacket of traditional approaches to learning English and accept new ideas about language acquisition, so that they may really gain a good command of the English 本文另一个目标在于呼吁国人挣脱常规英语学习的束缚,接纳新的英语习得认知,抛弃过去学习英语的错误观念与方法,以便真正提升英语能力。
An extra dimension? How would you know? snapped the nagging voice in my head. 全新的视角?你怎么知道的?挑剔的声音又在我头脑里作怪了.
An extra twisted pair must be specified to have enough conductors to run a signal ground. 必须预定有额外的双绞对,以有足够的导线作为信号地的通路。
An extramarital affair. 一件私通的事
An extraordinarily high volume occurring suddenly in a downtrend signaling the end of the trend. 一个非常高的交易量在下降趋势中突然出现,是这一趋势结束的信号。
An extraordinarily high volume trading session occurring suddenly in an uptrend signaling the end of the trend. 一个反常的高成交量交易部分突然在上升趋势中发生,预示着趋势的结束。
An extraordinarily large order bucked up all the staff. 一份特大订单使全体员工欢欣鼓舞。
An extremely little person who is otherwise normally proportioned. 侏儒一个非常矮但身体各部分比例正常的人
An extremely unpleasant or painful condition or place. 逆境极其不舒服或痛苦的境地或地方

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