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He got down to his work after the holidays.

He got behind with his payments for the car. 他拖欠买汽车的车款.
He got behindhand in/with his work. 他未能如期完成工作。
He got canned for sexual harassment. 他因性骚扰而被解职了。
He got captured in the battlefield.No matter how cruelly the enemy tormented him,he would never give in. 他在战场中被俘,无论敌人如何残酷的折磨他,他从不屈服。
He got cold feet at the last minute. 他事到临头却退缩了.
He got down to his work after the holidays. 度假之后他开始专心工作。
He got down to his work right after vacation. 假期一过,他便安下心来工作。
He got drunk and began to smash things. 他喝醉了并开始砸东西。
He got full mark in the English compete yesterday as the result of his hard working. 由于努力学习的结果,昨天的英语竞赛他得了满分。
He got full mark in yesterday's English test ,it's the result of studying hard. 由于努力学习的结果,昨天的英语竞赛他得了满分。
He got full marks for English. 他英语考了满分。

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