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My colleague from IT dept got through the hot line,someone will replace the motherboard for me today.

My coat was dirty with mucous things. 我的衣服被粘的东西弄脏了。
My coat was worn out. 我的外套穿坏了。
My coat's lining is broken. 我的外套衬里破了。
My coins got stuck in this slot. 我的硬币被卡在投币口里了。
My colleague agreed to cover for me during my vacation. 我的同事答应我休假的时候帮我代班。
My colleague from IT dept got through the hot line,someone will replace the motherboard for me today. 后来公司负责IT的同事打通了报修电话,今天会有人为我更换主板。
My colleague has broken off the habit of smoking. 我的同事已经戒掉了吸烟的习惯。
My colleague often vents his anger on his dog. 我的同事常拿他的狗做出气筒[发泄他的愤怒]。
My colleague said that my new shoes were very groovy. It was a nice compliment. 我的同事说我的新鞋子很棒,这是一个很好的夸奖。
My colleagues and I all welcome you to China,I'm sure that you will have a pleasure trip. 我和我的同事都非常欢迎你来中国,我保证你这次的旅行会很愉快.
My colleagues and I devised a scale to measure proneness to feeling regret, and we found that people with high sensitivity to regret are less happy, less satisfied with life, less optimistic and more depressed than those with low sensitivity. 我与同事设计了一个尺标来测量后悔的倾向,我们发现容易感到遗憾的人,相对来说也比较不快乐,对生命较不满意、较不乐观,也较沮丧。

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