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Anterior border of ilium including anterosuperior iliac spine was preserved, but because defect was so large, deformity was visible even under clothing.

Antelopes prance competing for a mate, rhinos crash through the undergrowth, lanky-limbed langurs swing through the forest and the biggest cobra in the world silently stalks its next victim. 另外,在节目中你会看到世界最大的眼镜蛇施展捕猎技俩,悄悄地向牺牲品下毒手。
Antenatal complications can affect a baby's health. 胎儿期并发症能影响婴儿的健康.
Antenna span, for one, is dictated by the type of broadcast it captures; an incoming radio-frequency wave resonates best when an antenna's length is one half that of the wavelength. 原因之一是,天线的全长取决于要撷取的播送类型;如果天线的长度是波长的一半,就能让传来的无线电频率波达到最佳共振。
Antennas also intercept such waves and convert them back into currents and voltages that can be processed by a receiver. 天线也能拦截电磁波,把它转回电流与电压,然后在接收器上处理。
Anterior (Ventral, Front) Nearer to the front of the body is anterior. 前(腹侧,前面)靠近身体正面为前。
Anterior border of ilium including anterosuperior iliac spine was preserved, but because defect was so large, deformity was visible even under clothing. 髂骨前缘包括髂前上棘被保留,但因为缺损太大,甚至穿衣服时也难以遮盖畸形。
Anterior segment ischemia ensued in at least one case. 至少有一位患者己发生眼球前段缺血之现象。
Anterior subcutaneous transposition is a good method for treating tardy ulnar palsy. 前方皮下移位术在治疗缓慢性尺神经麻痹是一种不错的方法。
Anthems are often with words taken from the Bible. 圣歌的歌词多取自于《圣经》。
Anthems are used in religious services. 圣歌常常在宗教礼拜时演唱。
Anther The part of the stamen that produces the pollen. 花药:是雄蕊产生花粉的结构。

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