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I have beer, coke and orange juice.

I have been working on this problem all day long. 我研究这问题已经有一整天了。
I have been working out every day. 我每天都去健身。
I have been working with large foreign company for 6 years,possess of lots of working experience and capabilities of dealing matters and emergency. 本人从事外资大型企业工作已有六年,拥有丰富的工作经验及处事应变能力。
I have been writing letters all morning, but by now I have only finished two. 今天早上我一直在写信,但到现在我才写完了两封。
I have been your leader from my youth until this day. 我从幼年直到今日都在你们前面行。
I have beer, coke and orange juice. 我有啤酒,可乐和柳橙汁。
I have being ill since coming here! 打从我来到此地就一直在生病。
I have belief on you. 我对你有信心。
I have benefited a lot from extensive reading. 广泛的阅读使我受益匪浅。
I have benefited greatly from criticism and at no time have I suffered a lack thereof. 我从所受的批评中受益,但也不会因为没有受到批评而感到不安。
I have better backhand return. 我的反手回球要更强一些。

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