By late 1980s a concept of a small-bore, low-impulse personal defense weapon(PDW) with good accuracy and lethality at ranges of up to 200-250 meters was well established, a lthough there were no weapons adopted for service yet.
由八十年代末期的一个概念小口径、低冲动个人防卫武器(血栓)有良好的准确性和杀伤力射程可达200-250米时被确立,有时称为均无兵器,但采用服务. |
By law, tequila must contain a minimum of 51% agave, what constitutes the remaining 49%?
根据法律,特基拉酒必须包含51%的龙舌兰趁分,其余的成分是什么? |
By learning to celebrate rounder Last Rite, Velan can guide the ghosts to heaven more ably.
藉由学习举行更加完整的最末之礼,维兰将能更加熟练地将亡魂导向天堂。 |
By learning to listen to and nurture our inner emotions, they gradually lose their grip.
只有经由学习倾听和教育内在感情,才能逐渐消除控制。 |
By learning to raise energy and control the flow of power through the chakras, the nature of your dreams, lucid dreams and OOBE's will change.
通过以脉轮提高能量和控制能量流,你的梦境、清醒的梦和脱体经验的性质会改变。 |
By lectures, excavations and other contacts, I took the museum into the highways and byways of Wales.
通过演说,展示文物以及其它方面的接触,我把博物馆收藏的一切传遍威尔士的各个角落。 |
By liberation from the causes of bondage through their weakening and by an understanding of the mode of transference (withdrawal or entrance), the mind stuff (or chitta) can enter another body.
当瑜伽士了悟受制减弱的因素而得以释放转化(出或入),他的意识就能进入另外的形态中。 |
By lifting the building in the air, the area under the building will be a snow free zone in winter and a dry and shaded plaza during summer.
通过将建筑提升到空中,建筑下面的空间在冬季将是无雪地带,到了夏季又将是一个干燥庇荫的广场。 |
By light microscopy, the glomerulus is normal with MCD.
光镜下,微小病变的肾小球是正常的。 |
By likening a capacitor to a storage tank and an induction coil to a coil spring, Tesla realized that a properly configured circuit could amplify electrical signals and raise them to ever higher frequencies and voltages.
将电容比拟为储存槽,感应线圈比拟为弹簧,使特士拉理解到,适当的组装电路可以将电流讯号放大,并且增加它的频率及电压。 |
By linking the two issues in this way, European leaders were able to move smartly on from enlargement (which is now distasteful to many) to the apparently pleasanter subject of the constitution, which the German government wants to resurrect from the dead
将这两件事巧妙地结合在一起,欧盟成员国领导人就能够轻而易举地从棘手的东扩问题(目前对于大多数人来讲都有如梦魇一般)中逃出来,转而解决相对容易的欧盟宪章问题——针对此点,德国政府准备最迟到2009年以前(这也是最后的底线了),重启旨在使《欧盟宪法条约》生效的统一进程。 |