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This tennis player ranked third in the world.

This ten-page pamphlet tells you how to care for your new car . 这本10页的小册子告诉你如何保养你的新汽车.
This tendency has certainly distorted some assessments. 这种倾向当然会扭曲某些评估结果。
This tender should be submitted by June 26th. 此投标书应于六月二十六日前提交。
This tends to complicate my business. 样会使我们的业务活动变得复杂化。
This tends to magnify defects making them easier for your eyes to see. 这会使划痕放大,用肉眼很容易看清。
This tennis player ranked third in the world. 这位网球运动员排名世界第三。
This tennis term is not very lovely for the players. But, no matter; the word's origin has nothing at all to do with amour. 这个网球术语对参赛者来说不太招人爱。然而,没关系,这个字眼的起源与爱情毫无关系。
This tension brought about a prolonged rivalry known as the Cold War. 两国之间的紧张关系也开始了一段长时期的对抗,也就是我们所说的「冷战」。
This tension helps to explain the difference in the subtitles of the American and British editions of Mr Kennedy's book. 这种紧张帮助解释了这本书英国版和美国版在副标题上的区别。
This tension is expressed in the viewers' heightened(inspiring)uncertainty??72??. 这张力呈现于观者被强调的(被鼓舞的)不确定性之中。
This tension makes such unique transcendency the ultimate concern rooted in reality. 这种张力使信仰这种独特的超越成为一种人的植根于现实的终极关怀。

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