Doing the corrective actions described in the alarm manual, in trouble shooting manuals or otherwise correct the indicated fault or problem.
根据告警手册及其他相关资料对告警信息作出正确的处理,纠正错误,排除故障。 |
Doing the impossible is the task of great beings. Tolerating the intolerable is the cultivation of sages.
为人所不能为,是丈夫事业;忍人所不能忍,是圣贤修养。 |
Doing the work in that way would have cost much more timeand money.
如果用那种方法做这项工作就会耗费更多的时间和金钱。 |
Doing these things may help you to develop your nurturing qualities and to recognize your own dependency needs as legitimate concerns in your life.
你被期望处理人民或大众的利益,在工作中操纵感情因素,学习树立女性或公众形象。 |
Doing this exercise enabled me, in many cases, to immediately weed out the unqualified candidates.
通过这些测验就可以,在大多数情况下能够很快的剔除不符合要求的候选人。 |
Doing this helps ensure that her point of contact is out in front of her body.
这样做可以帮助她确保她的击打点在身体的前方。 |
Doing this mindless work all day is going to drive me crazy.
整天做这种不用脑筋的工作,会让我发疯的。 |
Doing this only serves to damage your reputation and cause visitors to leave with a bad taste in their mouth.
如果按照上述做法,那么带来的后果仅仅是破坏你自己的声誉;并且当访问者离开你的网站时,他们会感到非常气愤。 |
Doing this task by hand can become time consuming and is often inconsistent.
手动做这项任务比较浪费时间,往往(多次插入)不一致。 |
Doing well requires a level of preparation that comes not through cramming but by spending months analysing an industry, a company and a job function.
要想表现好,就需要一定程度的准备工作,而这种准备无法通过简单的填鸭式吸收材料来完成,需要花上几个月的时间来分析某个行业、某家公司和某项工作职能。 |
Doing work: by hand or using machines?
手工劳动还是机械作业? |