Explanation: The Gu has its shape and size altered to facilitate drinking. So Confucius lamented the predominance of drinkings over rituals.
后人为了便利饮酒,把觚的大小和形壮改变。孔子感慨人们不重礼仪。 |
Explanation: The center of our Milky Way Galaxy is hidden from the prying eyes of optical telescopes by clouds of obscuring dust and gas.
说明:在不透光尘埃与云气的遮掩下,我们银河系的中心在普通可见光望远镜中是难以看见的。 |
Explanation: This frame from a spectacular time lapse movie shows Comet McNaught - the Great Comet of 2007 - sweeping through the inner solar system.
说明:这张影像是一部精彩时序电影的定格,主题是2007年大彗星--麦克诺飞掠过太阳系内围的情景。 |
Explanation: This past weekend Comet McNaught peaked at a brightness that surpassed even Venus.
说明:上个周末,麦克诺特彗星亮度激增,甚至比金星还亮。 |
Explanation: We're going in.
说明:我们正在前进。 |
Explanation: What lies at the bottom of Hyperion's strange craters?
说明:土卫七奇异的陨石坑底,到底藏了些什麽? |
Explanation: What's causing those odd rings in supernova 1987A?
说明:这些奇特的超新星1987A环状结构到底是怎麽形成的呢? |
Explanation: Why would some regions on Titan reflect very little radar?
说明:为什麽泰坦上有些区域的雷达回波特别少呢? |
Explanation:This is Kind of sand which is washed.got rid of clay.graded and disposed sarface.and it.saiso molding and core sand used in casting iron and middlesmall sized casting stee.
水洗硅砂系列:这是一种经过洗涤、脱泥、分级和表面处理的砂,具有较清洁的原形颗粒,用于铸铁件,中小型铸钢件的型芯砂。 |
Explanations and prolonged discussions must be put on the next pages.
解释和延迟的讨论必须放到后面一页。 |
Explanations should be given in the work record on the items that cannot be inspected due to restricted conditions as well as the problems found during an inspection.
因条件限制,无法检验的项目以及在检验中发现的问题应当在工作记录上说明。 |