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15 You hae to change at Chicago Station.

15 What's the time now? It's half past eight. 现在几点了?八点半。
15 When two eyes meet and hold strongly, they are bound to meet again. 当两眼相遇久久凝视,这两双眼睛注定将会再一次相遇。
15 Where can I take drinking water ? 那里有饮用水?
15 While continuing its project of developing the world's latest comprehensive integrated circuit technology, Intel will cooperate with domestic companies to produce desk-top computers and service adapters that use energy-efficient and high-density Pentiu 15英特尔公司在继续开发世界上最先进的综合集成电路技术的同时,将与中国公司合作生产装有节能型高密度奔腾处理器的桌上型电脑和服务转换器,并改进用户的售后服务。
15 Yang, P.; Gao, F. The Principles of Bioinorganic Chemistry, Science Press, Beijing, 2002 , p. 493 (in Chinese). 杨频,高飞,生物无机化学原理,科学出版社,北京,2002,p.493.
15 You hae to change at Chicago Station. 你必须要在芝加哥站转车。
15 You have to change at Chicago Station. 你必须要在芝加哥站转车。
15 and 15/5 tempo/CF systems don't work as well, or look as good, because the two variables don't compliment each other. 15和15/5的节奏、创造力配对就不那么有效了,或看上去不那么好,因为这两个变量彼此并不咬弦。
15 and above: Your life will improve drastically and everything you ever dreamed of will begin to take shape. 当您转寄此给15个人以上时,你的生命会出现喜出望外的惊喜,你所有的美梦将会成真。
15 armored vehicles advanced from the rear side of the besieged building and opened fire, and the electricity of the areas near Lal Masjid was cut off. 15辆装甲车从拉尔寺后面前进并开火,拉尔寺周围的电流已经被切断。
15 consumer 0 complain adornment enterprise, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 be judged 4 years to be quality to be believed so that cross the numerous special honour such as the unit by supervisory bureau of Shenzhen technology mass continuously. 15消费者零投诉装饰企业、2000、2001、2002、2003连续四年被深圳技术质量监督局评为质量信得过单位等众多殊荣。

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