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After all, many of the newfangled instruments that dominate today's debt markets have never been tested in a serious panic.

After all, it was defined primarily for web browsers and web servers to exchange HTML documents. 毕竟,它主要是定义为使浏览器和网络服务器来转换HTML文档。
After all, it's your first trip here and we'd like you to feel at home. 既然这是你们第一次访问中国,我们希望你们能过得毫不拘束。
After all, look at it this way: the roof is earning its keep. 毕竟,要从这方面考虑:这种屋顶正在赢得它的生存价值。
After all, mainland Britain survived 20 years of bombing by the IRA and Spain's economic growth has not been thrown off course by the activities of ETA, the Basque separatist group. 毕竟,英国本岛的居民在爱尔兰共和军的阴霾下,生活了20多年;西班牙经济也没有因埃塔(巴斯克分离组织)而垮掉。
After all, malaria not only kills, it holds back human and economic development. 毕竟疟疾不仅造成死亡,还会影响人类的发育与经济发展。
After all, many of the newfangled instruments that dominate today's debt markets have never been tested in a serious panic. 毕竟,支配当前债务市场的许多全新工具从未在严峻的恐慌局势中得到检验。
After all, monetary policy is still not restrictive. 毕竟,货币政策仍然不受限制。
After all, no one wants to spend a 32) fortune on just some ink inside a 33) plastic box! 毕竟,没有人愿意只为一点点装在塑胶盒内的墨水而花掉很多钱!
After all, none of the genetic interventions now being debated—prenatal genetic diagnosis, gene insertions in sex cells or embryos to correct disease, the creation of new embryonic stem cell lines and, the elephant in the living room, cloning—would even b 不管怎麽说,要是科学家当初没有学会怎麽在实验室里让人类的卵子受精,目前受到争议的遗传干预做法,好比说产前基因诊断、将基因插入生殖细胞或受精卵以矫正疾病、制造全新的胚胎干细胞株,以及最受瞩目的复制人等等,都不可能实现。
After all, not every actor gets to play Achilles, the legendary Greek hero in Troy. 毕竟不是每个演员都有机会扮演《特洛伊》里的传奇希腊英雄阿基里斯。
After all, one may hear the most private affairs of other people, but only in a spirit of respect for the struggling, battered thing which any human soul is, and in a spirit of fine, discriminative sympathy. 毕竟,一个人可以听他人最隐秘的事,只要用一种尊敬和细致入微的判断力去同情挣扎着的,受苦受难的灵魂.

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