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Listen carefully so as to follow the teacher.

Listen actively and stay calm. 注意听,保持冷静。
Listen and give heed, do not be haughty, For the Lord has spoken. 耶13:15你们当听、当侧耳而听.不要骄傲.因为耶和华已经说了。
Listen as five former RPI incubator managers share lessons learned from a quarter century of experience. 5个孵化器的创始人将与大家分享4分之1个世纪的经验。
Listen as he tries to get Danielle to reconsider. 请听他如何试图让丹妮拉再考虑一下。
Listen as she reprimands him and gives him an ultimatum. 请听卡伦如何斥责他,给他下最后通牒。
Listen carefully so as to follow the teacher. 要仔细听才能听懂老师讲的课。
Listen carefully to my words; let your ears take in what I say. 17你们要细听我的言语、使我所辩论的、入你们的耳中。
Listen carefully to the caller's request, DO NOT interrupt. Repeat and confirm with the caller. 仔细聆听来电客人的要求,不能打断,与来电客人重复确认。
Listen carefully, and imitate what you hear. 仔细聆听,然后模仿你所听到的。
Listen especially to boundary conditions: how tonal functions (stablity-instablity; pitch movement) intersect with rhythmic functions(accent/meter/short-long) to generate musical objects and on a larger level, arrivals and departures of motion. 特别聆听到边界情况:调性如何作用(稳定—不稳定;音高的移动)如何和节奏(重音/节拍/长短)交互作用,以产生音乐体和在较高的层次里,高低旋律的到来和离开。
Listen for answers to these and other questions over the coming weeks. 在未来数周听这些问题的答案。

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