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Historically, scientists and inventors are one group that seems to take full advantage of relaxed moments.

Historically, governments feared opium because they saw it devastate China. 回顾历史,日本政府很怕鸦片,因为他们目睹鸦片如何毒害中国。
Historically, it was known for its Colossus of Rhodes. 罗德港在历史上以巨人雕像而闻名于世。
Historically, logging has been an important part of Minnesota's economy. 从历史的角度来看,伐木业是明尼苏达州经济上的重要一环。
Historically, many scientists and inventors made full use of daydreaming. 历史上许多科学家与发明家曾充分利用白日梦。
Historically, nationalism has mostly been an argument for underprivileged peoples or colonies to win autonomy or sovereignty. 在历史上民族主义多为弱势民族或殖民地争取自主性或主权之论述。
Historically, scientists and inventors are one group that seems to take full advantage of relaxed moments. 在历史上,科学家和发明家是似乎能充分利用松弛时刻的一类人。
Historically, snooker balls were made exclusively from heavy ivory. 历史上,斯诺克用球只能用沉重的象牙来制造。
Historically, the APK is the product of the struggle against modern revisionism and for saving Marxism-Leninism in Denmark, from the 1960s and onward. 从历史上年,丹共是自1960年以来反对修正主义斗争、保卫马列主义的产物。
Historically, the commanders relied on spotty and often incomplete information to base their strike decisions on. 历史上看,指挥官们不可能获取全部的有价值的信息,往往要依照片断的、不完整的情报做出决定。
Historically, the weakest months for the TICS data have been those of significant dollar declines as foreign investors grow averse to US assets due to the currency factor. 历史统计来看,TICS资本流动数据显著疲软的时期通常伴随美元明显下跌,因为此时投资者较为抵制美元资产。
Historically, there has been a lot of deep-seated prejudice against ethnically mixed people. 历史上,对种族混杂的人有许多根深蒂固的种族偏见。

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