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Comrade Lenin cleans exploiters from earth.

Comrade Deng Xiaoping autograph in his handwriting for Wu Han Pavilion in Qing Hua gerden. 邓小平同志还为座落在清华园内的晗亭亲笔题字。
Comrade Jiang Zemin point out, the style of study is an important political problem which determines the rise or fall of the Party and the success or failure of the business, is a sign shows ripe or not on politics. 江泽民同志指出,学风问题是关系党的兴衰和事业成败的一个重大政治问题,是理论上和政治上是否成熟的一个标志。
Comrade Jiang Zeming participated in the December 1(superscript st) Movement in which he excelled and became a student leaderand then a member of CPC. 摘要江泽民同志曾亲自参加过“一二?一”运动,并在“一二?一”运动的锻炼中表现出色且逐渐成为“学生领袖”,并随继加入了中国共产党。
Comrade Lei Feng set a good example to us and we should learn from him. 雷锋同志为我们树立了好榜样,我们应该向他学习。
Comrade Lei Feng was not reluctant to help others? 雷锋同志非常乐于助人。
Comrade Lenin cleans exploiters from earth. (列宁将帝国主义者清除出地球。)
Comrade Li is not to blame for the accident. 这次事故不能怨李同志。
Comrade Lin has been away for three weeks, but he'll land up one of these days. 林同志离开已经三个星期了,但他日内就会来到。
Comrade LiuYing suffered all kind of tortures in the prison but he didn't give in, and showed the Chinese Communist member's sublime quality. 刘英同志在狱中受尽酷刑,始终坚贞不屈,表现出共产党人的崇高品质。
Comrade Lu stands forth as a model worker. 陆同志表现突出,是一个劳动模范。
Comrade Stalin had made a speech. The invaders' day were numbered, he had said. 斯大林同志作了报告。他说了:侵略者的命运快完了。

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