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Audi's co-operation with Beijing Music Festival, which has in music arena established an international reputation and is most prestigious in China, fully embodies its brand concepts of prestige, dynamics, fashion and individuality and the corresponding li

Auction theory: Winner's Curse given common values and Revenue Equivalence given independent private values. 拍卖理论:有同等价值的赢家曲线以及在独立的私人价值下的收入等式。
Auction, a public sale of property to the highest bidder. 拍卖,就是把财产卖给出价最高的竞买人的一种公开的销售方式。
Audacious and gallant; spirited. 闯劲足的闯劲足的而且英勇的;精力充沛的
Audi hoped to extol the virtues of its new automatic transmission in a television ad in which an Audi driver picks up an Elvis impersonator. 几个月前,奥迪汽车制造商推出了一个电视广告,希望能宣传一下他们的新自动传动系统的好处。
Audi vehicles and the Santana are being produced there. 大众在中国的工厂制造奥迪和桑塔纳轿车。
Audi's co-operation with Beijing Music Festival, which has in music arena established an international reputation and is most prestigious in China, fully embodies its brand concepts of prestige, dynamics, fashion and individuality and the corresponding li 此次通过与北京国际音乐节这一蜚声海内外乐坛、在中国最负盛名的文化品牌合作,充分体现奥迪尊贵、动感、时尚和个性的品牌内涵和其所倡导的生活方式。
Audi's strategy over the past two decades to promote its technology helped to transform the once low-regarded German brand into a serious rival to BMW and Mercedes. 在过去二十年里,奥迪不断提升技术水平的战略帮助其从不怎么被认可变为宝马、奔驰强有力的竞争对手。
Audible water in the garden can be provided by a simple dripping hose or by a sophisticated water fall. 漏水的龙头,或者一个简单的循环小瀑布都可以发出流水的声音。
Audie Wong, President of Amway China, was invited to attend a discussion forum on the subject of Capital and its Influences. 安利(中国)总裁黄德荫出席了当天的颁奖大会,并获邀参加了题为「资本如何获得影响力」的圆桌论坛。
Audience friends, I've learned it. 王渊源:观众朋友们,我学会了。
Audience friends, are you clear? 观众朋友们,您听明白了吗?

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