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In the article, considering the potentially severe pollution of the subsurface environment from the low level radioactive waste, the dynamic integrated transport model of low level nuclide in vadose and saturate zones has been established and is used to p

In the article Myth of Modern Space and Phenomenological Analysis of Existential Space, starting from the history of architectural discourses, Li Kaisheng and Peng Nu explore the myth of modern space, and point out that in the totality of existential worl 李凯生和彭怒在《现代主义的空间神话与存在空间的现象学分析》一文中,首先从空间话语的历史出发,揭示了现代主义的空间神话,并在空间与存在世界的整体结构中,强调领会——诠释的生存论结构就是场所(建筑)生存意义的基础。
In the article are introduced the production process and the weaves and colors design of a single pattern multi-weave broad fabric woven by dyed yam with key technical measures of warping, pattern arrangement, sizing and healding and reeding processes als 摘要介绍了色织宽幅多组织独花面料的色织工艺流程及组织、色彩设计,叙述了整经排花、浆纱及穿综穿筘工序的技术措施。
In the article measuring system of infrared detector is introduced which is playing important role during working, it can measure electronic-optical parameters effectively and quickly by improvement. 摘要文中介绍了红外探测器参数测试系统经过改进后,可准确、快速地进行探测器光电参数的测量,并已在实际应用中起了重要的作用。
In the article published today, the Irish-born radiologist says that it is the first recorded case involving a person wearing headphones, and that the public should be warned. 这位爱尔兰放射学家在今天发表的文章中称这是第一例有记录的有雷击受害人佩带耳机的案例。他警告大家要注意雨天带耳机。
In the article, .the author considers that the traditional ideology composed of morals-centralism, feudal-despotism and traditional masses-basism is the most serious hindering factor to China's democratization, and explains how the traditional ideology hi 摘要以道德中心主义为根基-以封建专制主义为主体-以民本主义为补充而构成的传统意识形态这一稳固的有机体,是中国趋向民主政治的最深层文化障碍。
In the article, considering the potentially severe pollution of the subsurface environment from the low level radioactive waste, the dynamic integrated transport model of low level nuclide in vadose and saturate zones has been established and is used to p 摘要针对处置库中低中放核素释放对地下环境潜在性污染的严重性,建立了核素在包气带和含水层中联合迁移的数值模型,利用所建立模型对某一处置场核素迁移的动力学行为进行环境预测。
In the article, from the angle of the strategies for resource allocation, the author discusses the information-resource construction in the medium-sized and small-sized libraries of university, expecting it to be informative to the solution to the inadequ 摘要作者根据中小型图书馆在信息资源建设中,由于资金不足而导致信息资源配置不尽合理的问题,探讨了高校图书馆的信息资源配置策略。
In the article, the author suggests that we should cancel the financial expenses account, and adopt interest expense and interest income account according to international conventions, then put the rest transactions accounted by financial expenses account 为此,作者建议取消“财务费用”科目,单独设置“利息收入”和“利息费用”科目,并对目前纳入财务费用核算的其它项目进行清理。
In the article, the conditions and status of developing sericulture tourism in Ankang city were analyzed, and then some suggestions were put forward. 摘要分析了安康市蚕桑文化旅游开发的条件和现状,对安康市蚕桑文化旅游的开发提出了建议。
In the article, the numerical simulation software ANSYS is used to analyze the working stress distribution in butt joint and the effect of the geometric parameter on the stress concentration efficiency. 摘要通过数值模拟软件ANSYS分析对接接头的工作应力分布,找出了对接接头的几何参数对应力集中系数的影响。
In the article, the principle of the Reverberation-Chamber, the model of theory analysis, character of statistics, and same problem in design the Reverberation-Chamber had been introduced tersely. 文中简单介绍了混波室的工作原理,理论分析模型,统计特性,混波室设计中的若干问题。

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