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Management of severe radiation injury of the bowels

Maltophilia, (9.%) strains of P.aerugnosa, strains of Flavobacterium meningo, strains of C. 金属β内酰胺酶阳性的菌株在种底物纸片中均与EDTA、—MPA和MPA纸片有明显的协同作用,其中—MPA络合效果最好,与CuCl_、FeCl_纸片协同作用较弱。
Management System of Scientific Researches that Utilize TI-9 Calculators 利用TI——9计算器的科研计划管理系统
Management of bilateral ectopia lentis et pupillae syndrome 双眼晶体异位并瞳孔综合症的治疗
Management of complications of complete main iliac artery stenos is revasculization 主髂动脉闭塞施行血管重建术后并发症的处理
Management of genito-urinary rhabdomyosarcoma in children 小儿泌尿生殖系横纹肌肉瘤的治疗
Management of severe radiation injury of the bowels 严重放射性肠损伤8例的综合治疗
Management of vernal conjunctivitis with tuichizhiyang(退赤止痒) decoction 退赤止痒液治疗春季结膜炎
Management to untitled management and titled management 管理的无权与有权的管理(第届建筑管理现代化优秀论文二等奖)
Mangel an Fachkrften in Deutschland sowie seine Beseitigung 德国技能人才短缺及其治理
Manglietia glauca m+sm+st(SAT); 灰木莲Manglietiaglauca m+sm+st(SAT);
Mani as the Great Physician-King, mainly uses the great dharma medicine (dafayao大法药) and great spiritual mantra (dashenzhou大神咒) to cure people physically and save them spiritually. 摩尼作为大医王 ,从肉体和精神上治病救人的主要方式是运用“大法药”和“大神咒”。 从摩尼教符咒帕提亚文书 M 0 来看 ,摩尼教的符咒吸收了许多佛教符咒的成份 ,M 0 中的夜叉名单 ,与《孔雀王咒经》等佛教符咒中的资料密切相关。

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