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Gaotang Jinxing Mechanical Engineering Company has the latest equipment for digging and transportation.It can independently conduct various earthwork,tuansferring soil and roadbed constructions.

Gaomi Water Conservancy Geography Information System &Manager Information System is an information supporting system for flood control, emergency decision-making and reasonable allocation of water resources for Gaomi city. 摘要高密市水利信息工程自动化管理系统是一个防汛抢险、应急决策和水资源合理调配提供支持的系统。
Gaoming Jiang on China's love affair with construction. 蒋高明报道中国的建筑热。
Gaoqing has built the world first class program-controlled exchange net, data communication net, digital transmit net and reached the aim to share information resources in step with the world. 建成了世界一流的程控电话交换网、数据通信网和数字传输网,实现了高青与世界信息资源的同步共享。
Gaoshen Yanghualeguo Ruyou, Gaoshen ABI mycotoxins Ruyou, Bacillus sphericus Xuanfuji production sales. 高渗氧化乐果乳油、高渗阿维菌素乳油、苏云杆菌悬浮剂生产销售。
Gaoshen Yanghuayueguo Ruyou, Gaoshen Abi mycotoxins Ruyou, Bacillus sphericus Xuanfuji production sales. 高渗氧化乐果乳油、高渗阿维菌素乳油、苏云杆菌悬浮剂生产销售。
Gaotang Jinxing Mechanical Engineering Company has the latest equipment for digging and transportation.It can independently conduct various earthwork,tuansferring soil and roadbed constructions. 单位简介:高唐金兴机械施工公司,拥有最先进的挖掘运输等设备,能独立承担各类土方挖掘、调土、路基铺设和吊装任务。
Gaoximu: Ali Baba, What on earth are you doing here? You are not going to borrow money, are you? 高西木:阿里巴巴,你来这干吗?不会是来借钱的吧?
Gaozhou county revitalize Co., Ltd. that city of Gaozhou county honour revitalize leather and fur products pieces of factory Co., Ltd. and businessman from Hongkong on cooperating in manage engaged in leather process skin and skin make by honour The expor 高州荣兴皮革制品有限公司是高州市荣兴皮件厂有限公司与港商于2000年合作经营的从事皮革加工和皮制劳保手套生产的出口型企业。
Gap analysis provides a norm to evaluate economic performances. 缺口分析为评估经济成效提供了一个标准.
Gap creationism, also called Restitution creationism ? 间隙创造学说,也称作归还创造说?
Gap design of solid rocket motor nozzle was analysized through thermal and structure analysis. 摘要通过热和结构计算,对固体火箭发动机喷管缝隙设计进行了分析。

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