Female pandas normally become sexually mature between 4 and 5 years old.
正常情况下,雌熊猫在四到五岁即性发育成熟。 |
Female pandas ovulate only once a year, in the spring.
一年雌熊猫仅仅在春天排卵。 |
Female passengers can call the company from 6:00 am to 10:00 pm for a green-colored Kia cab driven by professional and experienced womenand equipped with GPS navigation systems .
此种绿色的起亚出租车内置GPS导航系统,司机都是“有专业驾驶经验”的女性,女乘客从早上6点至晚上10点期间可以随时打电话叫车。 |
Female polar bear Aika dozes in Berlin Zoo. The recent unseasonably-warm weather has disturbed the bears' hibernation.
柏林动物园里的北极母熊艾卡正在打盹。近期反常的暖冬气候扰乱了熊正常的冬眠。 |
Female reporter 3: “… [United Nations] today approved initiatives for both economic sanctions and a naval blockade of the region as a means of containment and isolation of Zero one.
女记者:“.....[联合国安理会]今天作出决议,决定对杰罗万实施全面的经济制裁和海上禁运。 |
Female sheep produce one or two lambs at a time.
母羊一次生一到两只羊羔。 |
Female singers are classified as sopranos, mezzo-sopranos and contraltos.
女歌手分为女高音、女低音和女中音。 |
Female smokers are thought to be less affected because they do not breathe in the smoke so deeply.
女性吸烟者被认为受的影响较小,因为她们不深吸烟。 |
Female subject grabs wrist after third click.
女性试验者在第三次声响后抓住了(我的)手腕。 |
Female wedding guests are supposed to look elegant and bridesmaids are sup-posed to look pretty without eclipsing the central charac-ter.
婚礼女宾客的穿着看起来应该典雅,伴娘的服装看起来也应漂亮,但不能遮盖了中心人物的风采。 |
Female's TC and LDLC are higher than male after 51, and female's HDLC is higher than male in all ages.
高胆固醇血症41~60岁年龄组男性为29.5%,女性为36.3%,60岁以上年龄组男性为41.0%,女性为50.6%。 |