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Abstract: The evolution course of Chinese solid rocket propulsion technology for space missions since 1950s is presented.The technical features,development process,ground tests and flight records of nine typical solid motors are described.These motors wer

Abstract: The empirical likelihood confidence intervals for quantiles are constructed under a φ-mixing sample,which are based on the result that the blockwise empirical likelihood ratio statistic asymptotically has the χ2(1) distribution. 文摘:在一定的条件下证明了φ-混合样本下分位数的分组经验似然比统计量的渐近分布为χ2(1),由此可构造分位数的经验似然置信区间.
Abstract: The equidistant profile keyless connection have been paid broad attention by sci entific and technical workers in the world for its virtues, such as higher trans mission torque,more convenient to assemble and disassemble, better capabil ity of c 文摘:等距型面无键联接以其传递扭矩大、拆装方便、对中性好等优点,日益得到国内外科技工作者的广泛关注。
Abstract: The equivalent step planar wave-guide method is proposed to studythe propagation properties and design of diffused planar wave-guide.The model was established,and a set of simulation has been done,and a series of relationship curves among the pa 文摘:本文引入一种研究扩散光波导传播特性及设计计算的新方法——等效阶跃平板波导方法.建立了扩散平板光波导的等效阶跃平板波导模型,进行了一系列的模拟计算,得出了一系列波导传播参量、结构参量与工艺参量之间的关系曲线.这些曲线对于扩散平板光波导的设计计算、工艺参量选择等具有重要指导意义.
Abstract: The establishment of indicators of Quality of Life is not only a trace of China's social and economic development, but also a rational expectation for China's future development. 摘要建立人民生活质量指标体系既是对改革开放20年来社会经济发展的历史咩结,也包含了中国未来发展的合理预见。
Abstract: The evaluation of earth crust stability is a research project prior to siting of the repository of high-radioactive waste disposal. 文摘:地壳稳定性评价是高放核废物处置库选址的前期研究课题。
Abstract: The evolution course of Chinese solid rocket propulsion technology for space missions since 1950s is presented.The technical features,development process,ground tests and flight records of nine typical solid motors are described.These motors wer 文摘:叙述了20世纪50年代以来中国航天固体火箭推进技术的发展历程,介绍了9种最具代表性的固体火箭发动机的技术特征、研制过程、地面试验和飞行情况,这些发动机分别应用于中国的探空火箭、运载火箭上面级和应用卫星变轨系统.文中还简要地评述了中国固体推进各单项技术的发展水平.
Abstract: The exhausting of resources and the deteriorating of env ironment are common in old industry bases.Science and Techology have been widely applied to traditional industrial structure in Anshan.On the other hand,the ste ps of adjusting industral s 文摘:老工业基地普遍存在着资源枯竭,环境污染严重的问题.为此,鞍山市在传统产业中加大科技投入,实行二次能源的综合利用,加快产业结构的调整步伐,即在三次产业结构中突出发展绿色产业,以实现老工业基地的可持续发展,从而取得初步成效.
Abstract: The experience of dealing with of biomaterial with microwave digest method was summairzed.Several rapid,accurate,convenient methods for treating biomaterial in the determination of trace elements were provided. 文摘:总结了利用微波消化法处理生物材料的工作经验,为微量元素测定中的生物材料处理提供了几种快速、准确、方便的方法。
Abstract: The experiment about ignition property of solid e nergetic materials was done by laser which was generated by big powerful laser i nstrument-ND:YAG.The influence on the ignition property of difference enery,puls e width and different frequency o 文摘:使用大功率Nd:YAG激光器产生的激光,对固体含能材料的激光点火性能进行了实验研究,分析了不同能量、脉冲宽度、调制频率及药粒尺寸等因素对点火特性的影响,为激光点传火系统的研制提供了实验依据。
Abstract: The experiment mechanism of strata around roadways is analyzed with the procedure simulation of resemble,combined with the deformation characteristics of roadway in coal mine.The resemble simulation experiment on procedure for the failure of sof 文摘:对模拟实验原理进行了阐述,结合现场实际破坏特征,对软弱层状岩石巷道的破坏过程进行了相似模拟实验,根据试验结果和计算机仿真结果,对其破坏过程进行了分析,对现场施工具有指导意义.
Abstract: The experiment results of anisotropy of brass H68 mechanicalproperties in ironing are introduced in this paper. It is ironing coefficient to influence anisotropy of mechanical properties. 文摘:列出了在变薄拉伸过程中形成H68黄铜毛坯的机械性能各向异性的实验研究结果。指出了主要影响机械性能各向异性变化的是变薄系数。

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