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Of the tens of thousands of ships on the ocean bottom, only a handful, less than 1 percent, contain negotiable treasure, such as gold and jewels.

Of the sons of Simeon, mighty men of valor for war, 7, 100. 代上12:25西缅支派、能上阵大能的勇士、有七千一百人。
Of the souls which God created - and God created all souls in the beginning; none has been made since - only a comparative few have come into the experience of our solar system, though many have gone through or are going through a similar entanglement in 在上帝创造的灵魂之中——上帝在开始时就创造了所有的灵魂;自此以后再也未创造过灵魂——只有较少的一部分进入了我们太阳系经历,尽管许多灵魂在其他太阳系已经经历或正在经历一种相似的纠缠。
Of the successful bids, 5.4411 pct were made at the lowest price, while the average bid was 100.37 yen, giving a yield of 1.656 pct, the ministry said. 此次成功的出价,5.4411%的政府债券以最低接受竞价成交,而平均出价则为100.37日元.收益率为1.656%。财务省说。
Of the temperate elements, East Asia elements and China-endemic elements significantly dominate accounting for 84.36% of the total of the species in the mountain, which indicates that Dabashan Mountain belong to China-Japan Sub zone of pteridophytes. 在温带成分中,东亚成分与中国特有成分显著,共占总种数的84.36%,表明大巴山应属于中国-日本蕨类植物亚区。
Of the ten national-level and provincial-level nature reserves, most belong to the primeval forest ecological system. 还有十多个国家级和省级的自然保护区,其中不少是原始森林生态系统。
Of the tens of thousands of ships on the ocean bottom, only a handful, less than 1 percent, contain negotiable treasure, such as gold and jewels. 在数以万计的海底沉船中,只有极少数,不到百分之一的沉船上有可流通的财富,如黄金和珠宝。
Of the three boys Nick is by no means the cleverest. 这三个男孩中,尼克决不是最聪明的。
Of the three dictionaries, I think the first one suits us best. 在这三本字典中,我认为第一本对我们最适用。
Of the three factors, the difference between two hybrids was greatest; compared with 'Luyu 2, Yedan 12gained yield increase by 896 kg/ha in average with an increase rate of 11.0%, the difference was very significant. 三个因子中,两个杂交品种间差异显著;比起鲁玉2号来,掖单12平均籽粒产量增多896公斤/公顷,增产幅度11.0%,差异极显著。
Of the three in the second rank he was the most honored and became their commander; however, he did not attain to the first three. 代上11:21他在这三个勇士里是最尊贵的、所以作他们的首领.只是不及前三个勇士。
Of the three major luxury Japanese brands, Lexus, Infiniti and Acura, only Lexus could be considered as a true rival to the more established German premium makes because of the other two's limited lineup. 在日本三大豪华品牌雷克萨斯、英菲尼迪和讴歌中实际上只有雷克萨斯能成为德国高档品牌真正的竞争对手,而另外两个品牌由于旗下车型太少尚不足以购成威胁。

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