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My motivation comes from more confidence instead of need or wanting to fill a gaping hole in me.

My mother-in-law has a sewing machine. 我婆婆有一台缝纫机。
My mother-in-law has to be the world's biggest fuss-budget. 我的岳母一定是世界上最爱挑剔的人。
My mother-in-law is driving me nuts. 我岳母使我快要发疯了。
My mother-in-law makes herself at home when she comes to visit us. 我岳母来看我们的时候就像在她自己家一样。
My mother-in-law swears by it. 我的丈母娘以它发誓。
My motivation comes from more confidence instead of need or wanting to fill a gaping hole in me. 我的动机来自于更多的自信,绝非自怨自艾。
My motivation for work is to earn a lot of money. 我工作的动力是想赚很多钱。
My motorcycle broke down on our way to Kenting,so we continued on our journey by train. 在去垦丁的途中我的摩托车抛锚了,因此我们改搭火车继续旅程。
My motto is that easy come, easy go. 我的理念是:“来得容易,去得也快。”
My motto is: Contented with little, yet wishing for more. 我的座右铭是:满足于一点儿,但是希望有更多.
My motto is: `Live each day as it comes.' 我的座右铭是: `有一天过一天.'

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