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Turn the brass memory lock ring until the aluminum memory ring stop contacts the step on the valve stem. Do not overtighten. Finger-tight pressure is sufficient.

Turn signals on a motorcycle usually are not self-canceling, thus some riders, (especially beginners) sometimes forget to turn them off after a turn or lane change. 机车上的方向灯通常转完不会自己会关掉,有些骑士(特别是新手)常常忘记在转弯或换车道后关掉方向灯。
Turn tension nut 1 toward A to increase the needle thread tension, or toward B to decrease it. 向A的方向转动线张力螺母1之后,上线张力变强,向B的方向转动之后,上线张力则变弱。
Turn tester on (before connecting hoses). Tester must read all zeros. Close VA and VB. 打开检测器(在连接软管之前)。检测器的所有读数必须为零。关闭VA和VB。
Turn that radio down at once. 请立刻将收音机的音量降低。
Turn the 24 hour gear until the actual time of day is at the time of day pointer. 转到日的动作时间的24小时齿轮是当日指针的时候。
Turn the brass memory lock ring until the aluminum memory ring stop contacts the step on the valve stem. Do not overtighten. Finger-tight pressure is sufficient. 旋转黄铜记忆锁环直到铝记忆环停止接触阀杆上的台阶为止。不要过紧。手指旋紧压力已经足够了。
Turn the brush over and with its substantial wooden pegs you can massage sore or tired muscles as well. 将刷子反过来,上面的木钉让您也能按摩酸痛及疲劳的肌肉。
Turn the camera off and then back on. The new firmware is now active. 关闭后并再打开照相机,新固件已经激活。
Turn the cock to increase the flow of water. 请开大龙头以增加水流量。
Turn the coupling with hand or tube spanner and check that there is no clash of foreign matters and jamming in the pump body. If any, remove them before starting. 用手或管子钳转动联轴器,注意泵体内有无异物碰撞杂声和卡死现象,如有应清除后方可开车。
Turn the decision over to the employees. This will maintain a familial atmosphere and might help Mr. Lee identify employees who were planning to leave anyway. 把决定权交给员工。这样可以保持原来的气氛,并帮助李先生找出准备离开公司的员工。

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