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This street is a major hangout for junkies.

This strategy takes less concentration than deflection shooting, but it isn't always practical-especially if you're meeting the enemy head on! 这一策略与偏差射击相比无需太专注,但也较不实用,特别是当你和敌人做对头攻击时。
This strategy to think one game after the other does not hide, however, Someone's wish which agrees with that of the National Team he is in: which he objective is to become the World Cup champion. 一场一场考虑的策略没什么可以掩饰的,然而,西蒙尼的希望和他所在的国家队一样;这个希望就是成为世界杯的冠军。
This strategy, they assumed, would support efficient searching. 这个策略,他们假设是可以支持的最有效率的搜寻。
This strawberry jam is still runny: I can't get it to jell. 这草莓酱还是太稀, 凝结不起来.
This stream in which he stood was a feeder to the Coppermine River,which in turn flowed north and emptied into Coronation Gulf and the Arctic Ocean. 他脚下的这条河是科珀曼河的一条支流,而科珀曼河则向北注入加冕礼河和北冰洋。
This street is a major hangout for junkies. 这条街是一个毒品贩子的主要聚集处。
This street is familiar to me. 这条街道对我来讲是太熟悉不过了。
This street is four times shorter than that one. 这条街道比那条短四倍。
This street is the gateway to the northern part of the city. 这一条街是通往此城市北边的要道。
This street is three times wider than that one. 这条街比那条街宽三倍。
This street offers a fine vista of the cathedral. 这条街的尽头是个大教堂, 远远望去非常好看.

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