Some of them might decide to stop investing in its funds and buy its stock instead, retaining exposure without having to hand over a 1-1.5% management fee and 20% of investment gains.
其中一部人可能会停止对黑石旗下基金的投资,转而购买它的股票,从而在不用付出1-1.5%的管理费用以及20%的投资所得的情况下,继续分一杯羹(译者注3)。 |
Some of them never do anything but talk.
有些人不会做事,只会出一张嘴。 |
Some of them only want comfort, but a number of them like a more natural experience, and look for simple accommodation or camping sites.
这类游客中一些只追求舒适度,但很多则是喜欢一种更贴近自然的体验,对住宿和宿营地的条件要求也不高。 |
Some of them reflect the design itself: in our seating planner, for instance, the rule that each table, with the exception of the top table, is assigned either to one family or the other.
有些事实则反应了设计本身:以座位的安排为例,除了主桌以外,每张桌子只能安排给其中一个家族使用。 |
Some of them relate to system load or the instantaneous state of hardware.
它们中的一些依赖于系统装载或者硬件的即时状态。 |
Some of them sat to one side having announced their name &clan.
有的自报姓名后,在一旁坐下。 |
Some of them sat to one side in silence.
有的不出声,在一旁坐下。 |
Some of them sent flying model planes with remote control, while some others beat beer bottles to perform the world-famous music Ode to Joy.
有些孩子在通过遥控器操纵飞机,而另外有些孩子击打啤酒瓶演奏欢乐颂。 |
Some of them should be corrected for their concepts that are even contradicted with the basic laws of physics and mathematic.
某些地方甚至和物理学、数学的基本规律相矛盾,应该更正。 |
Some of them showed nodular appearance partially.
肿瘤境界清楚,切面灰白色,部分呈结节状。 |
Some of them stand on the heads or backs of the bigger ones; some lie under their feet or nestle in their embrace.
它们有的在大狮子的头上、背上;有的在大狮子的脚下或怀里。 |