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David Neeleman, the founder and CEO of JetBlue Airways Corp., has a name for all this.

David McKinnon joined the former Chrysler Corp. in 1968 as a Designer. 麦金农大卫加入前克莱斯勒汽车公司在1968年成为一名设计师.
David Mellor can go from Fulham to Chelsea (in his first manifesto he claimed to support Fulham, mistakenly thinking that would go down well with his Putney constituency), and Sean Connery from Celtic to the Mighty Gers. (保守党议员)梅洛可以从富勒姆球迷变成切尔西球迷(在他的第一份宣言中曾声称自己支持富勒姆,这是因为他错误地认为这会让他在帕特尼选区的选民更喜欢他),影星康纳利则从凯尔特球迷变成了伟大的格拉斯哥球迷。
David Morehouse - Dames brought David Morehouse into the DIA's Remote Viewing unit during its final days. 大卫莫霍斯——迪米斯在计划的最后日子里,把大卫莫霍斯带进美国国防情报局的遥视单元里面。
David Morris of Allergy Associates in La Crosse, Wis., is the most vocal advocate of SLIT in the U.S. 美国威斯康辛州拉克罗斯镇「免疫联合诊所」的莫瑞斯,是美国境内鼓吹SLIT的人当中最积极的一位。
David Munyon's a very complicated guy on the one hand, but an open book on the other. 大卫缪雍一方面是一位多元化歌手,另一方面也是一位极坦率的人。
David Neeleman, the founder and CEO of JetBlue Airways Corp., has a name for all this. 是蓝色喷气机航空公司的创始人和CEO,为这些起了一个名字,他称之为“家包”。
David Norman, Sotheby's Director of Impressionist Art: My feelings now are very positive based on the number of collectors who have come to see the art works who have been calling in advance of this exhibition which opens today. 戴维·诺曼(苏富比拍卖行的印象派艺术主任):从到这里参观这些艺术品的收藏者人数和今天展览开幕前打来的电话看,我感觉非常好。
David Pun facilitating a group to conduct a SWOT analysis on a product with high-income female as target customers. 潘国梁引导一个小组进行以高收入女性为目标顾客产品的一种的SWOT分析(即强势、弱势、威胁、机会)。
David Pun sharing different franchising models for developing retail business in China. 潘国梁分享在中国发展零售业务可采用的不同「特许经营」模式。
David Pun speaking on franchising in the retail business as a major tool in business expansion and risk management. 潘国梁讲述特许经营是零售业业务扩张和风险管理的一个主要工具。
David Pun, Business Development Director (left) explaining to a visitor from the Philippines how Prosmart can serve his business back home. 业务发展董事潘国梁(左)向一位来自菲律宾的来宾解释绰越怎样可为他所在国家的公司服务。

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