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Background Calcified plaque in the coronary arteries is a marker for atheromatous-plaque burden and is predictie of future risk of cardioascular eents.

Backflow prevention assemblies MUST be installed by a licensed journeyman tradesperson, who is recognized by the authority having jurisdiction, and inspected for compliance with local safety codes. 防回流阀总成必须由有资格证书的熟练技术人员安装,安装人员必须通过有关主管部门的认可,并符合当地安全规程的要求。
Background : Sepsis attenuates the muscle-relaxing effects of nondepolarizing neuromuscular blockers. 背景:脓毒血症能减弱非去极化神经肌肉阻滞剂的肌松作用。
Background : The complex hospital environment requires special attention to ensure healthful indoor air quality (IAQ) to protect patients and healthcare workers against hospital-acquired (nosocomial) infections and occupational diseases. 前言:复杂的医院环境需要特别注意并确保有益健康的室内空气品质(IAQ)以保护病人和医疗人员免于院内的传染和职业上的疾病。
Background : Women respond differently to anesthesia than men, initially recovering more rapidly, but having more postoperative morbidity. 背景:女性对麻醉的反应有别于男性,她们开始恢复得较快,但术后却有较多的发病率。
Background Atrial fibrillation is common and associated with significant morbidity. Previous studies suggest underuse of anticoagulant therapy in patients with AF. 背景:房颤是一种较普遍和发病率较高的疾病。既往研究发现房颤抗凝治疗不足。
Background Calcified plaque in the coronary arteries is a marker for atheromatous-plaque burden and is predictie of future risk of cardioascular eents. 研究背景:冠状动脉钙化斑是动脉粥样硬化负荷的标志,预示增加心血管事件的风险。
Background Case reports and echocardiographic studies suggest that the ergot-derived dopamine agonists pergolide and cabergoline, used in the treatment of Parkinson's disease and the restless legs syndrome, may increase the risk of cardiac-valve regurgita 背景:病例报告和超声心动图研究提示,用于治疗帕金森病和不宁腿综合征的药物—麦角洐生物,多巴胺受体激动剂培高利特和卡麦角林,可能增加发生心脏瓣膜返流的风险。
Background Cross-sectional studies find an eleated prealence of depression among subjects with diabetes mellitus (DM). 背景:一项横断面研究发现糖尿病患者罹患抑郁症的风险明显增加。
Background Cross-sectional studies find an elevated prevalence of depression among subjects with diabetes mellitus (DM). 背景:一项横断面研究发现糖尿病患者罹患抑郁症的风险明显增加。
Background Diabetes mellitus is a recognized risk factor for cardiovascular disease (CVD) and mortality. 背景:糖尿病被公认为是导致心血管疾病(CVD)和死亡的危险因子。
Background Ergot-derived dopamine receptor agonists, often used in the treatment of Parkinson's disease, have been associated with an increased risk of valvular heart disease. 背景:有发现表明常用于治疗帕金森病的麦角洐生的多巴胺受体激动剂可增加发生瓣膜性心脏病的风险。

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