Writing Love Letters is an excellent self help tool, but if you don't immediately get in the habit of writing them you may forget to use it.
写情书是非常好的自助工具,但你如不马上养成习惯,很快就会忘记。 |
Writing Paper is not only for the exercise book,note book,commercial book also for the book printing,magazine etc.
产品介绍:多种规格的卷筒、平板,主要用于练习簿、记录本、帐簿及其他书写用纸与印刷书刊、杂志等。 |
Writing Secure Code, Second Edition, by Michael Howard and David LeBlanc (Microsoft Press, ISBN 0735617228) Improving Web Application Security: Threats and Countermeasures,from MSDN Library Online.
340考试与前面所推荐的考试很相像,但他更加强调在如何开发过程中更好的保障应用程序安全性。 |
Writing Tall takes readers on a high-flying journey into mythic realms of fantasy and imagination.
本书带领读者进入一场高空飞行的旅程,进入想像的神话领土。 |
Writing a Response Letter is the second step in the Love Letter Technique.
情书技巧的第二步是写回应信。 |
Writing a book is a horrible, exhausting struggle, like a long bout of some painful illness.
写作是一场可怕的劳心伤神的斗争,犹如一场恶病长时间发作。 |
Writing a concept does not necessarily mean you have to write down all your ideas, draw UML diagrams like crazy, and only start working when everything is fully planned.
写出概念并不是需要你写下你所有的想法,画出UML图看似有点疯狂了,当所有都计划好了才开始工作。 |
Writing a concise, polite, and effective letter can also help you make friends easily.
如果能写出简洁流畅而得体的书信,必可使你交往的过程顺利许多。 |
Writing a letter to the client as you write the contract is the perfect way to inform the client of the risks and rewards of entering into the contract.
在撰写合同时,你最好向客户说订立合同需要承担的风险和能够得到的利益。 |
Writing a novel cost plenty of time.
(写本小说要花很多时间。) |
Writing a novel is beyond my abilities.
写长篇小说非我的能力所及。 |