Upper gastrointestinal series and computed tomography of the abdomen also confirmed a tumor within the duodenum.
上肠胃道摄影及腹部电脑断层摄影均显示此肿瘤位于十二指肠。 |
Upper gastrointestinal series revealed several characteristic findings: dilatation of the stomach and the first and second portions of the duodenum, abrupt vertical compression of the third portion of the duodenum, churning without orderly peristalsis or
做上消化道摄影检查,两列皆可见胃及十二指肠第一、二部分略显扩张,至第三部分则突然中断,显示有外在压迫痕迹,致钡剂流通受阻,同时有逆流的现象;但阻塞并非完全性,将病人变换姿势,受阻情形立见改善。 |
Upper gastrointestinal series with water-soluble contrast medium is the most sensitive diagnostic tool.
水溶性钡剂的上消化道摄影术是诊断此疾病最敏感的工具。 |
Upper level winds and surface winds then come together forming a circular pattern of clouds known as a tropical depression.
随后,高层风和海面风结合,形成圆形云层,也就是热带低气压。 |
Upper reducer seals are grease purgeable to prevent contaminants from destroying the seals and entering the unit.
上部的减速机是润滑脂密封的,能够防止污物破坏密封进入混合器内部。 |
Upper to fifty centimeter of rain came fall. Some storms have produced more than one hundred fifty centimeter of rain.
带来超过五十厘米的降雨。一些暴风雨带来超过150厘米的降雨。 |
Upper wind at 8000m is 260 degrees 80 km/h with light turbulence.
8000米高空风260度80公里每小时,有轻度颠簸。 |
Upper-limb amputees were fitted with a special data glove and had sensors attached to the elbow and wrist joints.
上肢截肢者戴上一个特殊的数据手套,在其肘关节和腕关节连接有传感器。 |
Uppermost in Ferguson's mind is that he now has so many options it will be almost impossible for opposition managers to guess his tactics.
在弗格森看来,这样最大的好处是他拥有太多的选择,这样对手的主教练永远无法猜出他的战术安排。 |
Upright men shall be astonied at this, and the innocent shall stir up himself against the hypocrite.
8正直人因此必惊奇。无辜的人,要兴起攻击不敬虔之辈。 |
Uprooting yourself from your native culture is difficult enough, without having to deal with unnecessary bureaucratic obstacles.
脱离本国文化已很艰难,他们还不得不面对不必要的繁琐程序。 |