Fechner's Psychophysics and Methodological Review of Measurement in Modern Quantitative Psychology
费希纳的心理物理学与现代定量心理学的测量方法论评述 |
Fechner's law isalso modified, avoiding the appearance of negative sensation. Besides,the relation between effect E and sensation S is discussed.
对费希纳定律也作了类似的修正,避免了出现负的感觉,并从不同角度阐述了效应E与感觉S的某些性质。 |
Feeding, pupating, eclosion, calling, mating, oviposition and hatch of yellow tortrix were observed.
本文对黄斑长翅卷叶蛾的取食、化蛹、羽化、求偶、交配、产卵、孵化等行为习性进行研究。 |
Feilin titration,HPLC and GC-MS were applied to research the classy Hengshun aromatic vinegar.
用费林滴定、高效液相色谱(HPLC)、气质联用(GC-MS)等方法对镇江恒顺优质香醋进行研究。 |
Female , " a Room for Herself" ?
女性“一间自己的屋子”?——以社会性别理论考察网站中的女性频道 |
Female insect's palpus and spermathecae of Leptoconops kerteszi complex
古塞细蠓复合组雌性成虫触须及受精囊的研究 |
Feminine Napkin, women and Other
卫生巾、女人及其他——后女权主义的影响与广告创意方向 |
Fermenting in the 00 mL flasks for 0h, the enzyme activity of the recombinant P. cepacia G ' strain was 0. U/mL, .-fold higher than that of the starting strain.
摇床发酵表明,工程菌在0h时酶活达到0. U/mL,较原始菌株提高 .倍。 |
Fernald,Scle-rochloa kengiana(Ohwi.)
Fernald. 犦、硬草犤Sclerochloakengiana(Ohwi.) |
Ferrarir, Pythium ultimum Trow, Fusarium oxysporum Schlecht, Papulospora sp.B, Fusarium solani (Mart) Sacc.
终极腐霉(Pythium ultimum Trow)尖孢镰刀菌(Fusarium oxysporum Schlecht),丝葚霉B(Papulospora sp. B),腐皮镰刀菌(Fusarium solani(Mart)Sacc.) |
Ferriere Nord Spooled Bar-in-coil Line:the First Spooler Plant in Industrial Operation
Ferriere Nord棒卷生产线:工业化运行中的第一台工字轮式卷取设备 |