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A gene directs the formation of an enzyme or other protein.

A gel or cream-based mask, with soothing anti-inflammatory ingredients that delivers immediate relief. 它是一种凝胶或乳脂面膜,有镇定、消炎的成分,可以立即减轻你的痛苦。
A gelatin-like substance obtained from kelp and used in impression material. 一种从海藻中获得的类似凝胶的物质并且用于印模原料.
A gelatinous substance in seaweed is used to make ice cream smooth and creamy. 海藻里面的胶质被用来使冰淇淋滑顺和乳化。
A gem cut in the form of a narrow rectangle. 狭长形宝石被切成细条形的宝石
A gemsbok gallops through the loose sand of Namibia's Namib Desert. Considered one of the world's oldest deserts, the Namib contains sand dunes that reach some 1,000 feet (305 meters) in height. 剑羚生长在非洲东部到西南部的干旱地区。这是一群在纳米比亚纳米布沙漠上奔跑的剑羚。纳米布沙漠被认为是世界上最古老的沙漠,这里的沙丘高达305米。
A gene directs the formation of an enzyme or other protein. 基因指导酶和其它蛋白的形成。
A gene encoding choline monooxygenase from Atriplex hortansis and the approach to produce plants of salt and drought tolerance. Shouyi Chen, Yiguo Shen, Jinsong Zhang and Baoxing Du. 胆碱单加氧酶基因及培育耐旱耐盐植株的方法.陈受宜,沈义国,张劲松,杜保兴.
A gene is a short segment of DNA. 一个基因是dna(脱氧核糖核酸)上面的一个小段。
A gene that causes the transformation of normal cells into cancerous tumor cells, especially a viral gene that transforms a host cell into a tumor cell. 致癌基因导致正常细胞转变为癌变细胞的基因,尤其是一种把寄主的细胞变为肿瘤细胞的病毒基因
A gene that contributes to obesity has been identified for the first time, promising to explain why some people easily put on weight while others with similar lifestyles stay slim. 导致肥胖的一个基因第一次被发现,这将会解释为什么有些人非常容易肥胖而一些与他习惯相似的人却能保持苗条。
A gene that helps neutralize aluminum toxicity in rice has been identified. 目前,研究人员已经识别出一种有助于中和水稻里铝的毒性的基因。

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