If your car breaks down, just sit tight and wait for the police to come along.
如果你的车子抛锚,就留在原处不动,等警察来。 |
If your child appears to be crazy about war play and weapons, it would be a good idea to control his viewing.
如果你觉得你的孩子狂热地喜欢看战争题材的电视剧,醉心于玩弄武器,那么控制他看电视倒是个好主意。 |
If your child begins to tire of homework, try changing the location and setting of where he does his homework to add novelty as well as provide a positive effect on his physical and mental attitude.
当孩子对功课感到厌烦时,改变做功课的地点和位置,让孩子有新鲜感,也能适时地调剂一下身心。 |
If your child can put the eraser away for a time and bring his work to school in its original state, we as teachers have more idea on where the student is at.
如果您的孩子能将其作业的原始状态带来学校,我们老师对孩子的学习情况就会了解得更彻底。 |
If your child continually interrupts your conversation, you may tell him softly and firmly that you are giving him a time-out.
和孩子玩暂停的游戏,当孩子不停地打断你的谈话时,可以温柔但坚定的告诉他「很抱歉,因为你一直打断我说话,现在是你的暂停时间哦。」 |
If your child has a fever after being left in a very hot car, seek medical care immediately.
如果你的小孩被留在一辆非常热的车子里面呆了很久,并且发烧的话,请立即寻求医治。 |
If your child has a hard time with bullying, feels left out, or experiences an unsympathetic teacher, he will need extra support from you.
若您的孩子受到欺凌的困扰,感觉被排斥,或遇到一个没有同情心的老师,那么,他将需要您的特殊支持。 |
If your child has a tendency to be active at home but shy outside the home, formally introduce your child to your friends who are visiting or you are visiting to help improve his ability to interact.
若要避免孩子「在家是条龙,出外是条虫」的情形,每当家里有访客或出外遇到朋友时,便应该正式将孩子介绍给朋友认识,培养孩子的应对能力。 |
If your child is in the care of a nanny, communicate with her about how to educate your child to avoid differences in educational methods which may cause confusion in your child.
如将孩子给褓姆照顾,可事先和褓姆沟通孩子的教养方式,以避免不同的教养方式造成孩子认知上的错误。 |
If your child is picky about the food he eats, try putting the food in a fun and decorative container such as bowls and plates decorated with his favorite cartoon characters to increase his interest for eating.
孩子如有偏食的习惯,可试著将食物放在有趣图案的器皿中,例如印有孩子喜欢的卡通人物图案的碗盘,如此将可提高孩子吃的意愿。 |
If your child says he can do it, have him demonstrate for you.
如果孩子说会了,那就请他示範给你看。 |