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She was proud that she never talked with a Yankee.

She was profoundly affected by the victims of war and seemed haunted by their suffering. 她被战争死亡者深深震撼,看见他们的苦难(处于战争的水深火热),也会备受折磨。
She was propositioned by her boss. 她的老板向她提出非分的要求。
She was propositioned several times in the course of the evening. 整个晚上有人几次向她提出非分要求。
She was prostrate with grief. 她因悲痛而一蹶不振。
She was protective of all in her charge, but with the lambs she was especially 11)vigilant. 它保护它负责的一切,尤其是那些羔羊,它特别警惕地守护着。
She was proud that she never talked with a Yankee. 她很骄傲她从来没有和北方佬说过话。
She was punished by penalty for overspeed. 她因超速开车而被罚款。
She was punished for copying during the examination. 她因考试抄袭作弊而受到处罚.
She was put off maths by a bullying and incompetent teacher. 她对数学失去了兴趣, 因为老师仗势欺人又没教学能力.
She was put off maths by a bullying and incompetent teacher. 由于老师很凶又没路用,使得她放弃了数学。
She was put on trial for fraud. 她因涉及诈骗罪而受审.

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