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Don't blow it all at once.

Don't blame on him, after all, he is a green hand. 不要责备他,他毕竟是个新手。
Don't blame others for your own stubbornness. 不要因为自己的顽固而责备别人。
Don't blink or you'll miss this train. 别眨眼,否则你将错过这辆火车。
Don't blow hard, especially when practicing. This will give you more air to practice with and it is better to get the sound and shape before going for volume. 不能用力猛吹,特别是练习时不要这样做,不然就需要更多的气来练习。在追求音量前最好先找准音和口型。
Don't blow hard, just softly at first. 开始不要用力,只轻轻地吹。
Don't blow it all at once. 不要一次就浪费光。
Don't blow situations out of proportion or you could find that others will misinterpret what really happened. 不要打破比例否则你会发现其他人会曲解真正发生的事情。
Don't blow the fall semester. 不这,最好还是不要拖到下一个周期内。
Don't blow your own trumpet. Let us see what on earth you can do. 不要自吹自擂了,让我们看看你到底能做什么。
Don't blow your top over such a silly little mistake. 别为了这小而愚蠢的错误发脾气。
Don't bolt your food you'll get indigestion! 别这麽狼吞虎咽--你会消化不良的!

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