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Oil, Brazil nut oil, Rhizobium fredii, and plant energy polypeptide, etc.

Oil the moving parts of this machine regularly. 要定期给这部机器的运转部件上油。
Oil the trolley, and then it will turn more freely. 给手推车加点油,这样它就能自由运转了。
Oil the trolley, and then it will turn more freely. 给手推车加点油,这样它就能自由运转了。
Oil was not in short supply and stocks were increasing. 石油并没供应短缺,库存也还不断在增加。
Oil won't mix with water. 油不能和水混合.
Oil, Brazil nut oil, Rhizobium fredii, and plant energy polypeptide, etc. 清油,巴西果油,大豆根瘤菌,植物能量多肽。
Oil, Brazil nut oil, Soya Bean, Rhizobium fredii, and plant energy polypeptide, etc. 清油,巴西果油,大豆根瘤菌,植物能量多肽。
Oil, milk and water are all liquids. 油、牛奶和水都是液体。
Oil, or electricity from oil-fed generators may be keeping you comfortably warm. 这是石油或由燃油发电机发出来的电使你感到舒适温暖。
Oil-based lubricants decrease the protection provided by latex condoms because they dissolve them. 因为润滑油会溶解乳胶,所以,也会降低避孕套的保护作用.
Oil-gas pools or fields found in Persian Gulf basin possess obvious remigration processes known as a complex petroleum system. 在波斯湾盆地,油气藏(田)形成过程中有明显的再次运移过程,即有复式石油系统。

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