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Such a field is called a longitudinal field.

Such a description of a source is generally a euphemism for a club milkman, or a punter in an SW6 pub. 如此描述极像出自俱乐部送奶工人或者酒饭里的服务员之口。
Such a determination may only be made in consultation with the shipowners' and seafarers' organizations concerned and may only be made with respect to ships of less than 200 gross tonnage not engaged in international voyages. 此决定只能在与有关的船东或海员组织协商后作出,且只能针对那些不从事国际航行的200总吨以下船舶。
Such a development has led YRB to be the most powerful engine of the national industrialization. 长江流域大规模工业化实践充分的证实了这一点。
Such a dialectic relation between the two speaks not for the vanishing of the former in an age of prospering science, but its development following a different direction. 科学与宗教是辩证的关系,宗教不会随着科学的昌明而消失,而是随着人类的进步以不同的形式得到发展。
Such a difficult job costs a lot of time and effort. 这么难的工作既化时间又化精力。
Such a field is called a longitudinal field. 这种电场称为纵向电场。
Such a formula was difficult to find. 但是这种借口却并不好找。
Such a foundation shall never be changed. 这个基础在任何时候都不能动摇。
Such a fruitcake! 神经病!
Such a gamete may be produced by tetraploid tissues, or it may be the result of faulty meiosis. 这样的配子可能是通过四倍体组织或者是错误的减数分裂产生的。
Such a gift, the student hoped, might make teacher shut her eyes to his poor work and give him a good mark. 学生希望这个礼物能使老师对他的差劲作业睁一眼闭一眼,打个好分数。

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