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Now that it was a perfect circle, it could roll very fast, too fast to notice flowers or talk to the worms.

Now that he was disabled, his house had become a prison to him. 因为他残废了,他的房子就成了他的牢笼。
Now that he was merely Toad, and no longer the Terror of the Highway, he giggled feebly and looked from one to the other appealingly, seeming quite to understand the situation. 现在,既然他不再是公路凶神,而只不过是蟾蜍,他只有无力地格格笑着,求饶似地看看这个,看看那个,像是彻底明白了他的处境。
Now that he`s ready, Raelag is going to clash with Clan Soulscar - the mightiest of the clans of Ygg-Chall. 雷拉格现已准备就绪,即将与易格池沃最强大的部落灵魂伤痕展开决战。
Now that his temperature has dropped, I'm sure your baby will pick up. 由于他的体温已经降下来了,我想你的孩子一定能恢复健康。
Now that it is remodeled, the house has taken on a new look. 经过改建,这栋房子的面目焕然一新。
Now that it was a perfect circle, it could roll very fast, too fast to notice flowers or talk to the worms. 现在它已成了一个完美的圆圈,所以滚动得非常快,以至于难以观赏花儿,也无暇与蠕虫倾诉心声。
Now that it's all over but the kerchief-wringing, now that Prince William's latter-day fairy tale romance with commoner Kate Middleton is royally kaput, it's time for the sages to weigh in. 如今除了拧乾手帕,一切已事过境迁;如今威廉王子和平民凯特.密道顿童话故事般的罗曼史已被王室封杀,该是智者进场评估的时候了。
Now that lasers are found in everything from telephone cables to DVD players to the humble laser pointer, they have become almost prosaic (commonplace or dull). 从通讯电缆到激光播放机,再到微型激光笔,到处都有激光,人们已经习以为常。
Now that lateness is out of -social courtesies, the following are some suggestions that may help you keep in mind to keep appointments. 迟到是不合时宜的,将守约牢记于心是必要的。下面是一些关于守约的建议。
Now that more and more Fair Trade products are available in Hong Kong, and judging from the enthusiastic response to the talks, we are confident that Fair Trade is set to grow at a fast pace in Hong Kong! 其实现时在香港可以买到的公平贸易产品已愈来愈多,今次研讨会业界人士反应热烈,可见公平贸易正慢慢地在香港扎根。
Now that oil is scarce, the fate of the motor car is uncertain. 既然石油短缺,那么汽车将来会怎样就难以预料了。

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